
In an ancient world teetering on the brink of chaos, the descendants of Adam lived extraordinary lifespans, their existence marred by a growing tide of corruption. As giants roamed the earth and lawlessness prevailed, the archangels Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Gabriel pleaded with the Most High, revealing the horrors wrought by fallen angels Azazel and Semjaza. In a divine proclamation, God resolved to purge the earth of its wickedness, sparing only the righteous Noah to restore hope and purity. Amidst cataclysmic upheaval, Noah sought counsel from his grandfather Enoch, who assured him of a future destined for holiness and eternal honor.

As the heavens raged, the Most High dispatched His angels with a relentless fury. Uriel warned Noah of the impending deluge, while Raphael and Michael bound the rebellious angels in eternal darkness. Gabriel eradicated the corrupted offspring, ensuring their self-destruction in a cataclysmic battle. With the earth purged of evil, the divine plan culminated in a promise of a renewed, righteous world, where Noah’s unwavering obedience secured the survival of humanity and the seeds of a blessed future.

In the final resolution, the Most High forged a new, righteous nature for all creation, ensuring eternal purity. Every soul was judged according to their deeds, with mercy promised to the repentant. Amid the devastation, Noah’s righteousness shone through, his unwavering faith saving his family and laying the foundation for a renewed world.

Major Characters

Minor Characters

Insignificant Characters










J: 22 | Y: 1042 | Seth died
Genesis 5:7-8Jasher 4:9-10

Y: 1054 | Lamech (Seth’s line) marries Ashmua (Betenos)
Jasher 4:11,
Jubilees 4:28a

The famine continues
Jasher 4:12

Y: 1056 | Noah (Seth’s line) is born
Genesis 5:28-29, Jasher 4:13-15,
Jubilees 4:28b

J: 24 | Y: 1140 | Enos (Seth’s line) died
Genesis 5:10-11Jasher 5:1

J: 26 | Y: 1235 | Cainan (Seth’s line) died
Genesis 5:13-14Jasher 5:2

J: 27 | Y: 1290 | Mahalaleel (Seth’s line) died
Genesis 5:16-17Jasher 5:3

J: 30 | Y: 1422 | Jared (Seth’s line) died
Genesis 5:19-20Jasher 5:4-5

Rising Action

J: 32 | Y: 1520 | The Archangels plead with YHWH
Enoch 9:1-11

YHWH sees the corruption of man
Genesis 6:5, 7, Jasher 4:19-20,
Jubilees 5:3-4

Noah cries to Enoch
Enoch 65:1-12

Noah finds grace in the eyes of YHWH
Genesis 6:8, Jasher 4:21,
Jubilees 5:5


Uriel sent to Noah to reveal the coming deluge
Enoch 10:1-4a

Azazel commanded to be bound
Enoch 10:4b-8

The rest of the angels commanded to be bound
Jubilees 5:6

The children of the angels commanded to be killed
Enoch 10:9-10, Jubilees 5:7

Semjaza commanded to be bound
Enoch 10:11-15

Hope prophesied
Enoch 10:16-21, 11:1-2

Falling Action

Clash of the Titans
Jubilees 5:9-11


Judgment is ordained
Jubilees 5:12-19

Jubilee: 22

Year: 1042

Seth diedi

Genesis 5:7-8

7 And Seth lived after he begat Enos eight hundred and seven years, and begat sons and daughters:
8 And all the days of Seth were nine hundred and twelve years: and he died.

Jasher 4:9-10

9 In those days when Lamech the son of Methuselah was one hundred and sixty years old, Seth the son of Adam died.
10 And all the days that Seth lived, were nine hundred and twelve years, and he died.

Year: 1054

Lamech (Seth's line) marries Ashmua (Betenos)

Jasher 4:11

11 And Lamech was one hundred and eighty years old when he took Ashmua, the daughter of Elishaa the son of Enoch his uncle, and she conceived.

Jubilees 4:28a

28a And in the fifteenth jubilee in the third week Lamech took to himself a wife, and her name was Betenos the daughter of Baraki’il, the daughter of his father’s brother,

The famine continues

Jasher 4:12

12 And at that time the sons of men sowed the ground, and a little food was produced, yet the sons of men did not turn from their evil ways, and they trespassed and rebelled against God.

Year: 1056

Noah (Seth's line) is born

Genesis 5:28-29

28 And Lamech lived an hundred eighty and two years, and begat a son:
29 And he called his name Noah, saying, This same shall comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands, because of the ground which the LORD hath cursed.

Jasher 4:13-14

13 And the wife of Lamech conceived and bare him a son at that time, at the revolution of the year.
14 And Methuselah called his name Noah, saying, The earth was in his days at rest and free from corruption, and Lamech his father called his name Menachem, saying, This one shall comfort us in our works and miserable toil in the earth, which God had cursed.

Jubilees 4:28b

28b and in this week she bare him a son and he called his name Noah, saying, ‘This one will comfort me for my trouble and all my work, and for the ground which the Lord hath cursed.’

Jubilee: 24

Year: 1140

Enos (Seth's line) died

Genesis 5:10-11

10 And Enos lived after he begat Cainan eight hundred and fifteen years, and begat sons and daughters:
11 And all the days of Enos were nine hundred and five years: and he died.

Jasher 5:1

1 And it was in the eighty-fourth year of the life of Noah, that Enoch the son of Seth died, he was nine hundred and five years old at his death.

Jubilee: 26

Year: 1235

Cainan (Seth's line) died

Genesis 5:13-14

13 And Cainan lived after he begat Mahalaleel eight hundred and forty years, and begat sons and daughters:
14 And all the days of Cainan were nine hundred and ten years: and he died.

Jasher 5:2

2 And in the one hundred and seventy ninth year of the life of Noah, Cainan the son of Enosh died, and all the days of Cainan were nine hundred and ten years, and he died.

Jubilee: 27

Year: 1290

Mahalaleel (Seth's line) died

Genesis 5:16-17

16 And Mahalaleel lived after he begat Jared eight hundred and thirty years, and begat sons and daughters:
17 And all the days of Mahalaleel were eight hundred ninety and five years: and he died.

Jasher 5:3

3 And in the two hundred and thirty fourth year of the life of Noah, Mahlallel the son of Cainan died, and the days of Mahlallel were eight hundred and ninety-five years, and he died.

Jubilee: 30

Year: 1422

Jared (Seth's line) diedii

Genesis 5:19-20

19 And Jared lived after he begat Enoch eight hundred years, and begat sons and daughters:
20 And all the days of Jared were nine hundred sixty and two years: and he died.

Jasher 5:4-5

4 And Jared the son of Mahlallel died in those days, in the three hundred and thirty-sixth year of the life of Noah; and all the days of Jared were nine hundred and sixty-two years, and he died.
5 And all who followed the Lord died in those days, before they saw the evil which God declared to do upon earth.

Jubilee: 32

Year: 1520

The Archangels plead with YHWHiii

Enoch 9:1-11

1 And then Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Gabriel looked down from heaven and saw much blood being
2 shed upon the earth, and all lawlessness being wrought upon the earth. And they said one to another: ‘The earth made without inhabitant cries the voice of their cryingst up to the gates of heaven.
3 And now to you, the holy ones of heaven, the souls of men make their suit, saying, “Bring our cause
4 before the Most High.”‘ And they said to the Lord of the ages: ‘Lord of lords, God of gods, King of kings, and God of the ages, the throne of Thy glory (standeth) unto all the generations of the
5 ages, and Thy name holy and glorious and blessed unto all the ages! Thou hast made all things, and power over all things hast Thou: and all things are naked and open in Thy sight, and Thou seest all
6 things, and nothing can hide itself from Thee. Thou seest what Azazel hath done, who hath taught all unrighteousness on earth and revealed the eternal secrets which were (preserved) in heaven, which
7 men were striving to learn: And Semjaza, to whom Thou hast given authority to bear rule over his associates. And they have gone to the daughters of men upon the earth, and have slept with the
9 women, and have defiled themselves, and revealed to them all kinds of sins. And the women have
10 borne giants, and the whole earth has thereby been filled with blood and unrighteousness. And now, behold, the souls of those who have died are crying and making their suit to the gates of heaven, and their lamentations have ascended: and cannot cease because of the lawless deeds which are
11 wrought on the earth. And Thou knowest all things before they come to pass, and Thou seest these things and Thou dost suffer them, and Thou dost not say to us what we are to do to them in regard to these.’

YHWH sees the corruption of man

Genesis 6:5

5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

Jubilees 5:3

3 And God looked upon the earth, and behold it was corrupt, and all flesh had corrupted its orders, and all that were upon the earth had wrought all manner of evil before His eyes.

Genesis 6:7

7 And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.

Jasher 4:19

19 And the Lord said, I will blot out man that I created from the face of the earth, yea from man to the birds of the air, together with cattle and beasts that are in the field for I repent that I made them.

Jubilees 5:4

4 And He said that He would destroy man and all flesh upon the face of the earth which He had created.

Jasher 4:20

20 And all men who walked in the ways of the Lord, died in those days, before the Lord brought the evil upon man which he had declared, for this was from the Lord, that they should not see the evil which the Lord spoke of concerning the sons of men.

Noah cries to Enoch

Enoch 65:1-12

1 And in those days Noah saw the earth that it had sunk down and its destruction was nigh.
2 And he arose from thence and went to the ends of the earth, and cried aloud to his grandfather Enoch: and Noah said three times with an embittered voice: Hear me, hear me, hear me.’
3 And I said unto him: ‘Tell me what it is that is falling out on the earth that the earth is in such evil plight and shaken, lest perchance I shall perish with it?’
4 And thereupon there was a great commotion, on the earth, and a voice was heard from heaven, and I fell on my face.
5 And Enoch my grandfather came and stood by me, and said unto me: ‘Why hast thou cried unto me with a bitter cry and weeping?
6 And a command has gone forth from the presence of the Lord concerning those who dwell on the earth that their ruin is accomplished because they have learnt all the secrets of the angels, and all the violence of the Satans, and all their powers–the most secret ones–and all the power of those who practice sorcery, and the power of witchcraft, and the power of those who make molten images for the whole earth:
7 And how silver is produced from the dust of the earth, and how soft metal originates in the earth.
8 For lead and tin are not produced from the earth like the first: it is a fountain that produces them, and an angel stands therein, and that angel is pre-eminent.’
9 And after that my grandfather Enoch took hold of me by my hand and raised me up, and said unto me: ‘Go, for I have asked the Lord of Spirits as touching this commotion on the earth.
10 And He said unto me: “Because of their unrighteousness their judgement has been determined upon and shall not be withheld by Me for ever. Because of the sorceries which they have searched out and learnt, the earth and those who dwell upon it shall be destroyed.”
11 And these–they have no place of repentance for ever, because they have shown them what was hidden, and they are the damned: but as for thee, my son, the Lord of Spirits knows that thou art pure, and guiltless of this reproach concerning the secrets.
12 And He has destined thy name to be among the holy, And will preserve thee amongst those who dwell on the earth, And has destined thy righteous seed both for kingship and for great honours, And from thy seed shall proceed a fountain of the righteous and holy without number for ever.

Noah finds grace in the eyes of YHWH

Genesis 6:8

8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.

Jasher 4:21

21 And Noah found grace in the sight of the Lord, and the Lord chose him and his children to raise up seed from them upon the face of the whole earth.

Jubilees 5:5

5 But Noah found grace before the eyes of the Lord.

Uriel sent to Noah to reveal the coming deluge

Enoch 10:1-4a

1 Then said the Most High, the Holy and Great One spake, and sent Uriel to the son of Lamech,
2 and said to him: ‘Go to Noah and tell him in my name “Hide thyself!” and reveal to him the end that is approaching: that the whole earth will be destroyed, and a deluge is about to come
3 upon the whole earth, and will destroy all that is on it. And now instruct him that he may escape
4a and his seed may be preserved for all the generations of the world.’

Azazel commanded to be bound

Enoch 10:4b-8

4b And again the Lord said to Raphael: ‘Bind Azazel hand and foot, and cast him into the darkness: and make an opening
5 in the desert, which is in Dudael, and cast him therein. And place upon him rough and jagged rocks, and cover him with darkness, and let him abide there for ever, and cover his face that he may
7 not see light. And on the day of the great judgement he shall be cast into the fire.
8 And the whole earth has been corrupted through the works that were taught by Azâzêl: to him ascribe all sin.’

The rest of the angels commanded to be bound

Jubilees 5:6

6 And against the angels whom He had sent upon the earth, He was exceedingly wroth, and He gave commandment to root them out of all their dominion, and He bade us to bind them in the depths of the earth, and behold they are bound in the midst of them, and are (kept) separate.

The children of the angels commanded to be killed

Enoch 10:9

9 And to Gabriel said the Lord: ‘Proceed against the bastards and the reprobates, and against the children of fornication: and destroy [the children of fornication and] the children of the Watchers from amongst men [and cause them to go forth]: send them one against the other that they may destroy each other in battle: for length of days shall they not have.

Jubilees 5:7

7 And against their sons went forth a command from before His face that they should be smitten with the sword, and be removed from under heaven.

Enoch 10:10

10 And no request that they (i.e. their fathers) make of thee shall be granted unto their fathers on their behalf; for they hope to live an eternal life, and that each one of them will live five hundred years.’

Semjaza commanded to be bound

Enoch 10:11-15

11 And the Lord said unto Michael: ‘Go, bind Semjâzâ and his associates who have united themselves with women so as to have defiled themselves with them in all their uncleanness.
12 And when their sons have slain one another, and they have seen the destruction of their beloved ones, bind them fast for seventy generations in the valleys of the earth, till the day of their judgement and of their consummation, till the judgement that is for ever and ever is consummated.
13 In those days they shall be led off to the abyss of fire: 〈and〉 to the torment and the prison in which they shall be confined for ever. And whosoever shall be condemned and destroyed will from thenceforth be bound together with them to the end of all generations.
15 And destroy all the spirits of the reprobate and the children of the Watchers, because they have wronged mankind. Destroy all wrong from the face of the earth and let every evil work come to an end:

Hope prophesied

Enoch 10:16-21

16 and let the plant of righteousness and truth appear: ⌈and it shall prove a blessing; the works of righteousness and truth⌉ shall be planted in truth and joy for evermore.
17 And then shall all the righteous escape, And shall live till they beget thousands of children, And all the days of their youth and their old age Shall they complete in peace.
18 And then shall the whole earth be tilled in righteousness, and shall all be planted with trees and be full of blessing.
19 And all desirable trees shall be planted on it, and they shall plant vines on it: and the vine which they plant thereon shall yield wine in abundance, and as for all the seed which is sown thereon each measure (of it) shall bear a thousand, and each measure of olives shall yield ten presses of oil.
20 And cleanse thou the earth from all oppression, and from all unrighteousness, and from all sin, and from all godlessness: and all the uncleanness that is wrought upon the earth destroy from off the earth
21 ⌈And all the children of men shall become righteous⌉, and all nations shall offer adoration and shall praise Me, and all shall worship Me. And the earth shall be cleansed from all defilement, and from all sin, and from all punishment, and from all torment, and I will never again send (them) upon it from generation to generation and for ever.

Enoch 11:1-2

1 And in those days I will open the store chambers of blessing which are in the heaven, so as to send them down ⌈upon the earth⌉ over the work and labour of the children of men.
2 And truth and peace shall be associated together throughout all the days of the world and throughout all the generations of men.’

Clash of the Titans

Jubilees 5:9-11

9 And He sent His sword into their midst that each should slay his neighbour, and they began to slay each other till they all fell by the sword and were destroyed from the earth.
10 And their fathers were witnesses (of their destruction), and after this they were bound in the depths of the earth for ever, until the day of the great condemnation, when judgment is executed on all those who have corrupted their ways and their works before the Lord.
11 And He destroyed all from their places, and there was not left one of them whom He judged not according to all their wickedness.

Judgment is ordained

Jubilees 5:12-19

12 And he made for all his works a new and righteous nature, so that they should not sin in their whole nature for ever, but should be all righteous each in his kind alway.
13 And the judgment of all is ordained and written on the heavenly tablets in righteousness -even (the judgment of) all who depart from the path which is ordained for them to walk in; and if they walk not therein, judgment is written down for every creature and for every kind.
14 And there is nothing in heaven or on earth, or in light or in darkness, or in Sheol or in the depth, or in the place of darkness (which is not judged); and all their judgments are ordained and written and engraved.
15 In regard to all He will judge, the great according to his greatness, and the small according to his smallness, and each according to his way.
16 And He is not one who will regard the person (of any), nor is He one who will receive gifts, if He says that He will execute judgment on each: if one gave everything that is on the earth, He will not regard the gifts or the person (of any), nor accept anything at his hands, for He is a righteous judge.
17 [And of the children of Israel it has been written and ordained: If they turn to him in righteousness He will forgive all their transgressions and pardon all their sins.
18 It is written and ordained that He will show mercy to all who turn from all their guilt once each year.]
19 And as for all those who corrupted their ways and their thoughts before the flood, no man’s person was accepted save that of Noah alone; for his person was accepted in behalf of his sons, whom (God) saved from the waters of the flood on his account; for his heart was righteous in all his ways, according as it was commanded regarding him, and he had not departed from aught that was ordained for him.

i. According to Jasher 4:9, Lamech was 160 when Seth died. If Lamech was born in 874, then we would have been 168.
ii. If Jared was born in 460 and lived 962 years, his death would be in the year 1422, however, Jasher 5:4 states that it was in the 336th year of the life of Noah which would put his death 30 years earlier in the year 1392.
iii. I placed this event at the beginning of the 32nd Jubilee.


J: 22 | Y: 1042 | Seth died
Genesis 5:7-8Jasher 4:9-10
After Seth begat Enos, he lived for 807 years, during which he had sons and daughters. Seth’s total lifespan was 912 years, and he died. It was during the time when Lamech, the son of Methuselah, was 160 years old that Seth, the son of Adam, passed away.

Y: 1054 | Lamech (Seth’s line) marries Ashmua (Betenos)
Jasher 4:11,
Jubilees 4:28a
Lamech, who was 180 years old, took Betenos (Ashmua), the daughter of Baraki’il (Elishaa), the son of Enoch his uncle.

The famine continues
Jasher 4:12
And at that time the sons of men sowed the ground, and a little food was produced, yet the sons of men did not turn from their evil ways, and they trespassed and rebelled against God.

Y: 1056 | Noah (Seth’s line) is born
Genesis 5:28-29, Jasher 4:13-15,
Jubilees 4:28b
Lamech, who was 182 years old, had a son named Menachem. Lamech declared, “This same shall comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands, because of the ground which the LORD has cursed.”

But Methuselah named him Noah, saying, “The earth in his days was at rest and free from corruption.”

And the child grew up and was weaned, and he went in the ways of his father Methuselah, perfect and upright with God.

J: 24 | Y: 1140 | Enos (Seth’s line) died
Genesis 5:10-11Jasher 5:1
And Enos lived after he begat Cainan 815 years, and begat sons and daughters. And it was in the 84th year of the life of Noah, that Enoch the son of Seth died, he was 905 years old at his death.

J: 26 | Y: 1235 | Cainan (Seth’s line) died
Genesis 5:13-14Jasher 5:2
And Cainan lived after he begat Mahalaleel 840 years, and begat sons and daughters. And in the 179th year of the life of Noah, Cainan the son of Enosh died, and all the days of Cainan were 910 years, and he died.

J: 27 | Y: 1290 | Mahalaleel (Seth’s line) died
Genesis 5:16-17Jasher 5:3
And Mahalaleel lived after he begat Jared 830 years, and begat sons and daughters. And in the 234th year of the life of Noah, Mahlallel the son of Cainan died, and the days of Mahlallel were 895 years, and he died.

J: 30 | Y: 1422 | Jared (Seth’s line) died
Genesis 5:19-20Jasher 5:4-5
And Jared lived after he begat Enoch 800 years, and begat sons and daughters. And Jared the son of Mahlallel died in those days, in the 336th year of the life of Noah; and all the days of Jared were 962 years, and he died. And all who followed the Lord died in those days, before they saw the evil which God declared to do upon earth.

Rising Action

J: 32 | Y: 1520 | The Archangels plead with YHWH
Enoch 9:1-11
And then Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Gabriel looked down from heaven and saw much blood being shed upon the earth, and all lawlessness being wrought upon the earth. And they said one to another: “The earth made without inhabitant cries up to the gates of heaven. And now to you, the holy ones of heaven, the souls of men make their suit, saying, ‘Bring our cause before the Most High.'”

And they said to the Lord of the ages: “Lord of lords, God of gods, King of kings, and God of the ages, the throne of Your glory stands to all the generations of the ages, and Your name holy and glorious and blessed to all the ages! You have made all things, and power over all things You have: and all things are naked and open in Your sight, and You see all things, and nothing can hide itself from You. You see what Azazel has done, who has taught all unrighteousness on earth and revealed the eternal secrets which were preserved in heaven, which men were striving to learn: And Semjaza, to whom You have given authority to bear rule over his associates. And they have gone to the daughters of men upon the earth, and have slept with the women, and have defiled themselves, and revealed to them all kinds of sins. And the women have borne giants, and the whole earth has thereby been filled with blood and unrighteousness. And now, behold, the souls of those who have died are crying and making their suit to the gates of heaven, and their lamentations have ascended: and cannot cease because of the lawless deeds which are wrought on the earth. And You know all things before they come to pass, and You see these things and You do suffer them, and You do not say to us what we are to do to them in regard to these.”

YHWH sees the corruption of man
Genesis 6:5, 7, Jasher 4:19-20,
Jubilees 5:3-4
God observed that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of their hearts was continuously evil. All flesh had corrupted its orders. All those who dwelt upon the earth had committed various forms of evil in His sight.

The LORD declared that He would destroy man, whom He had created, from the face of the earth. This would include not only man, but also beasts, creeping things, and fowls of the air. He expressed that He regretted making them.

And all men who walked in the ways of the Lord, died in those days, before the Lord brought the evil upon man which he had declared, for this was from the Lord, that they should not see the evil which the Lord spoke of concerning the sons of men.

Noah cries to Enoch
Enoch 65:1-12
And in those days Noah saw the earth that it had sunk down and its destruction was near. And he arose from there and went to the ends of the earth, and cried aloud to his grandfather Enoch: and Noah said 3 times with an embittered voice: “Hear me, hear me, hear me.”

And I, Enoch,  said to him: “Tell me what it is that is falling out on the earth that the earth is in such evil plight and shaken, unless perchance I shall perish with it?”

And thereupon there was a great commotion on the earth, and a voice was heard from heaven, and I fell on my face. And Enoch my grandfather came and stood by me, and said to me: “Why have you cried to me with a bitter cry and weeping? And a command has gone forth from the presence of the Lord concerning those who dwell on the earth that their ruin is accomplished because they have learned all the secrets of the angels, and all the violence of the Satans, and all their powers–the most secret ones–and all the power of those who practice sorcery, and the power of witchcraft, and the power of those who make molten images for the whole earth: And how silver is produced from the dust of the earth, and how soft metal originates in the earth. For lead and tin are not produced from the earth like the first: it is a fountain that produces them, and an angel stands therein, and that angel is pre-eminent.”

And after that my grandfather Enoch took hold of me by my hand and raised me up, and said to me: “Go, for I have asked the Lord of Spirits as touching this commotion on the earth.”

And He said to me: “Because of their unrighteousness their judgement has been determined upon and shall not be withheld by Me for ever. Because of the sorceries which they have searched out and learned, the earth and those who dwell upon it shall be destroyed. And these–they have no place of repentance for ever, because they have shown them what was hidden, and they are the damned: but as for you, my son, the Lord of Spirits knows that you are pure, and guiltless of this reproach concerning the secrets. And He has destined your name to be among the holy, And will preserve you among those who dwell on the earth, And has destined your righteous seed both for kingship and for great honors, And from your seed shall proceed a fountain of the righteous and holy without number for ever.”

Noah finds grace in the eyes of YHWH
Genesis 6:8, Jasher 4:21,
Jubilees 5:5
But Noah found grace in the sight of the Lord, and the Lord chose him and his children to raise up seed from them upon the face of the whole earth.


Uriel sent to Noah to reveal the coming deluge
Enoch 10:1-4a
Then said the Most High, the Holy and Great One spoke, and sent Uriel to the son of Lamech, and said to him: “Go to Noah and tell him in my name ‘Hide yourself!’ and reveal to him the end that is approaching: that the whole earth will be destroyed, and a deluge is about to come upon the whole earth, and will destroy all that is on it. And now instruct him that he may escape and his seed may be preserved for all the generations of the world.”

Azazel commanded to be bound
Enoch 10:4b-8
And again the Lord said to Raphael: “Bind Azazel hand and foot, and cast him into the darkness: and make an opening in the desert, which is in Dudael, and cast him therein. And place upon him rough and jagged rocks, and cover him with darkness, and let him abide there for ever, and cover his face that he may not see light. And on the day of the great judgement he shall be cast into the fire. And the whole earth has been corrupted through the works that were taught by Azazel: to him ascribe all sin.”

The rest of the angels commanded to be bound
Jubilees 5:6
And against the angels whom He had sent upon the earth, He was exceedingly wroth, and He gave commandment to root them out of all their dominion, and He bade us to bind them in the depths of the earth, and behold they are bound in the midst of them, and are kept separate.

The children of the angels commanded to be killed
Enoch 10:9-10, Jubilees 5:7
And to Gabriel said the Lord: “Proceed against the bastards and the reprobates, and against the children of fornication: and destroy the children of fornication and the children of the Watchers from amongst men and cause them to go forth: send them one against the other that they may destroy each other in battle, with swords: for length of days shall they not have. They shall be removed from under heaven. And no request that their fathers make of you shall be granted to them on their behalf; for they hope to live an eternal life, and that each one of them will live 500 years.”

Semjaza commanded to be bound
Enoch 10:11-15
And the Lord said to Michael: “Go, bind Semjaza and his associates who have united themselves with women so as to have defiled themselves with them in all their uncleanness. And when their sons have slain one another, and they have seen the destruction of their beloved ones, bind them fast for 70 generations in the valleys of the earth, till the day of their judgement and of their consummation, until the judgement that is for ever and ever is consummated. In those days they shall be led off to the abyss of fire: and to the torment and the prison in which they shall be confined forever. And whosoever shall be condemned and destroyed will from thenceforth be bound together with them to the end of all generations. And destroy all the spirits of the reprobate and the children of the Watchers, because they have wronged mankind. Destroy all wrong from the face of the earth and let every evil work come to an end:”

Hope prophesied
Enoch 10:16-21, 11:1-2
“And let the plant of righteousness and truth appear: and it shall prove a blessing; the works of righteousness and truth shall be planted in truth and joy for evermore. And then shall all the righteous escape, And shall live until they beget 1,000s of children, And all the days of their youth and their old age Shall they complete in peace. And then shall the whole earth be tilled in righteousness, and shall all be planted with trees and be full of blessing. And all desirable trees shall be planted on it, and they shall plant vines on it: and the vine which they plant thereon shall yield wine in abundance, and as for all the seed which is sown thereon each measure of it shall bear a 1,000, and each measure of olives shall yield 10 presses of oil. And cleanse you the earth from all oppression, and from all unrighteousness, and from all sin, and from all godlessness: and all the uncleanness that is wrought upon the earth destroy from off the earth. And all the children of men shall become righteous, and all nations shall offer adoration and shall praise Me, and all shall worship Me. And the earth shall be cleansed from all defilement, and from all sin, and from all punishment, and from all torment, and I will never again send them upon it from generation to generation and forever. And in those days I will open the store chambers of blessing which are in the heaven, so as to send them down upon the earth over the work and labor of the children of men. And truth and peace shall be associated together throughout all the days of the world and throughout all the generations of men.”

Falling Action

Clash of the Titans
Jubilees 5:9-11
And He sent His sword into their midst that each should slay his neighbor, and they began to slay each other until they all fell by the sword and were destroyed from the earth. And their fathers were witnesses of their destruction, and after this they were bound in the depths of the earth forever, until the day of the great condemnation, when judgment is executed on all those who have corrupted their ways and their works before the Lord. And He destroyed all from their places, and there was not left one of them whom He judged not according to all their wickedness.


Judgment is ordained
Jubilees 5:12-19
And he made for all his works a new and righteous nature, so that they should not sin in their whole nature forever, but should be all righteous each in his kind always. And the judgment of all is ordained and written on the heavenly tablets in righteousness -even the judgment of all who depart from the path which is ordained for them to walk in; and if they walk not therein, judgment is written down for every creature and for every kind. And there is nothing in heaven or on earth, or in light or in darkness, or in Sheol or in the depth, or in the place of darkness which is not judged; and all their judgments are ordained and written and engraved. In regard to all He will judge, the great according to his greatness, and the small according to his smallness, and each according to his way. And He is not one who will regard the person of any, nor is He one who will receive gifts, if He says that He will execute judgment on each: if one gave everything that is on the earth, He will not regard the gifts or the person of any, nor accept anything at his hands, for He is a righteous judge. And of the children of Israel it has been written and ordained: If they turn to him in righteousness He will forgive all their transgressions and pardon all their sins. It is written and ordained that He will show mercy to all who turn from all their guilt once each year. And as for all those who corrupted their ways and their thoughts before the flood, no man’s person was accepted save that of Noah alone; for his person was accepted in behalf of his sons, whom God saved from the waters of the flood on his account; for his heart was righteous in all his ways, according as it was commanded regarding him, and he had not departed from aught that was ordained for him.

This chart shows who was alive in the years 1030-1656.
Years with question marks are estimates.