Flood Arc

Purging • Pleading • Deluge • Rainbow

In an ancient world teetering on the brink of chaos, Noah stands as a beacon of hope amidst rampant corruption and lawlessness. Giants roamed the earth, and fallen angels like Azazel and Semjaza wrought havoc, prompting the archangels to plead for divine intervention. The Most High decreed a cataclysmic purge, sparing only the righteous Noah to restore purity. Guided by divine visions and counsel from his grandfather Enoch, Noah embarks on a monumental task: constructing an ark to preserve life through the coming deluge. As Uriel, Raphael, Michael, and Gabriel execute God’s judgment, Noah’s unwavering faith secures the survival of humanity and the promise of a renewed, righteous world.

As the heavens unleash their fury, Noah and his family shelter in the ark amidst forty days of relentless rain, their faith a beacon in the tempest. The floodwaters recede, revealing a transformed world, and Noah emerges to a divine promise etched in the sky—a radiant bow symbolizing God’s covenant never to destroy the earth by flood again. Charged with repopulating and stewarding the earth, Noah’s lineage is blessed and bound by divine law, their faith enshrined in sacred festivals. This epic saga, marked by faith, divine judgment, and the enduring promise of redemption, sets the stage for humanity’s eternal covenant with the divine, a testament to the enduring power of righteousness and the vigilance required to uphold it.