(2-minute read)
Amidst divine blessings and curses, the story unfolds with Cain’s lineage. Cain, amidst newfound peace, builds the first city named after his son, Enoch, setting the stage for settled civilization. Seth follows, marrying Azûrâ and ushering in a generation of faith and familial unity. As the generations progress, Enosh emerges, leading a faithful remnant who call upon the name of the Lord amidst a world descending into idolatry and rebellion.
The climax arrives with Enosh’s era marked by rampant sin and the wrath of the Almighty. Humanity’s defiance reaches its peak as they worship idols of metal and stone, invoking divine judgment upon themselves. Even natural forces turn against them, yielding only thorns and thistles, echoing the curse upon Adam. Amidst this turmoil, Enoch’s lineage continues: Irad begets Mehujael, while Enos takes Nôâm as his wife, birthing Cainan and ushering in a period of wisdom and leadership. Cainan’s reign, marked by profound knowledge and governance, shapes the destiny of mankind, intertwining familial ties and laying foundations for future generations like Mahalaleel and Methusael.
This epic narrative unfolds like a gripping saga, where faith and folly clash against a backdrop of divine decree and human ambition, shaping the very fabric of civilization in an ancient world filled with peril and promise.
Major Characters
Minor Characters
Insignificant Characters
J: 4 | Y: 190-196 | Cain marries Awan and Enoch (Cain’s line) is born
Genesis 4:17a, Jasher 1:34, Jubilees 4:9a
J: 5 | Y: 197 | Cain builds the city of Enoch
Genesis 4:17b, Jasher 1:35, Jubilees 4:9b
Y: 225-231 | Seth marries Azura
Jubilees 4:11a
Rising Action
Y: 235 | Enos (Seth’s line) is born
Genesis 4:26a, 5:6, Jasher 2:2, Jubilees 4:11b
Enos and others call upon the name of the Lord
Genesis 4:26b, Jubilees 4:12
The corruption of man and the beginning of idolatry
Jasher 2:3-9
Falling Action
J: 6 | Y: 288 | Irad (Cain’s line) is born
Genesis 4:18a, Jasher 1:36a
J: 7 | Y: 309-315 | Enos marries Noam
Jubilees 4:13a
Y: 325 | Cainan (Seth’s line) is born
Genesis 5:9, Jasher 2:10, Jubilees 4:13b
J: 8 | Y: 358 | Mehujael (Cain’s line) is born
Genesis 4:18b, Jasher 1:36b
Y: 365 | Cainan became wise
Jasher 2:11a
Y: 386-392 | Cainan marries Mualeleth
Jubilees 4:14a
J: 9 | Y: 395 | Mahalaleel (Seth’s line) is born along with Enan, Mered, Adah, and Zillah
Genesis 5:12, Jasher 2:15-16, Jubilees 4:14b
Y: 421 | Methusael (Cain’s line) is born
Genesis 4:18c, Jasher 1:36c
Jubilee: 4
Year: 190-196
Cain marries Awan and Enoch (Cain's line) is borni
Genesis 4:17a
17a And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch:
Jasher 1:34
34 And Cain knew his wife in those days, and she conceived and bare a son, and he called his name Enoch, saying, In that time the Lord began to give him rest and quiet in the earth.
Jubilees 4:9a
9a And Cain took Âwân his sister to be his wife and she bare him Enoch at the close of the fourth jubilee. [190-196 A.M.]
Jubilee: 5
Year: 197
Cain builds the city of Enoch
Genesis 4:17b
17b and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch.
Jasher 1:35
35 And at that time Cain also began to build a city: and he built the city and he called the name of the city Enoch, according to the name of his son; for in those days the Lord had given him rest upon the earth, and he did not move about and wander as in the beginning.
Jubilees 4:9b
9b And in the first year of the first week of the fifth jubilee, [197 A.M.] houses were built on the earth, and Cain built a city, and called its name after the name of his son Enoch.
Year: 225-231
Seth marries Azura
Jubilees 4:11a
11a And in the fifth week of the fifth jubilee [225-31 A.M.] Seth took Azûrâ his sister to be his wife,
Year: 235
Enos (Seth's line) is born
Genesis 4:26a
26a And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos:
Genesis 5:6
6 And Seth lived an hundred and five years, and begat Enos:
Jasher 2:2
2 And Seth lived one hundred and five years, and he begat a son; and Seth called the name of his son Enosh, saying, Because in that time the sons of men began to multiply, and to afflict their souls and hearts by transgressing and rebelling against God.
Jubilees 4:11b
11b and in the fourth (year of the sixth week) [235 A.M.] she bare him Enos.
Enos and others call upon the name of the Lord
Genesis 4:26b
26b then began men to call upon the name of the LORD.
Jubilees 4:12
12 He began to call on the name of the Lord on the earth.
The corruption of man and the beginning of idolatry
Jasher 2:3-9
3 And it was in the days of Enosh that the sons of men continued to rebel and transgress against God, to increase the anger of the Lord against the sons of men.
4 And the sons of men went and they served other gods, and they forgot the Lord who had created them in the earth: and in those days the sons of men made images of brass and iron, wood and stone, and they bowed down and served them.
5 And every man made his god and they bowed down to them, and the sons of men forsook the Lord all the days of Enosh and his children; and the anger of the Lord was kindled on account of their works and abominations which they did in the earth.
6 And the Lord caused the waters of the river Gihon to overwhelm them, and he destroyed and consumed them, and he destroyed the third part of the earth, and notwithstanding this, the sons of men did not turn from their evil ways, and their hands were yet extended to do evil in the sight of the Lord.
7 And in those days there was neither sowing nor reaping in the earth; and there was no food for the sons of men and the famine was very great in those days.
8 And the seed which they sowed in those days in the ground became thorns, thistles and briers; for from the days of Adam was this declaration concerning the earth, of the curse of God, which he cursed the earth, on account of the sin which Adam sinned before the Lord.
9 And it was when men continued to rebel and transgress against God, and to corrupt their ways, that the earth also became corrupt.
Jubilee: 6
Year: 288
Irad (Cain's line) is bornii
Genesis 4:18a
18a And unto Enoch was born Irad:
Jasher 1:36a
36a And Irad was born to Enoch,
Jubilee: 7
Year: 309-315
Enos marries Noam
Jubilees 4:13a
13a And in the seventh jubilee in the third week [309-15 A.M.] Enos took Nôâm his sister to be his wife,
Year: 325
Cainan (Seth's line) is born
Genesis 5:9
9 And Enos lived ninety years, and begat Cainan:
Jasher 2:10
10 And Enosh lived ninety years and he begat Cainan;
Jubilees 4:13b
13b and she bare him a son in the third year of the fifth week, and he called his name Kenan.
Jubilee: 8
Year: 358
Mehujael (Cain's line) is borniii
Genesis 4:18b
18b and Irad begat Mehujael:
Jasher 1:36b
36b and Irad begat Mechuyael
Year: 365
Cainan became wise
Jasher 2:11a
11a And Cainan grew up and he was forty years old, and he became wise and had knowledge and skill in all wisdom, and he reigned over all the sons of men, and he led the sons of men to wisdom and knowledge;
Year: 386-392
Cainan marries Mualeleth
Jubilees 4:14a
14a And at the close of the eighth jubilee [325, 386-392 A.M.] Kenan took Mûalêlêth his sister to be his wife,
Jubilee: 9
Year: 395
Mahalaleel (Seth's line) is born along with Enan, Mered, Adah, and Zillah
Genesis 5:12
12 And Cainan lived seventy years and begat Mahalaleel:
Jasher 2:15-16
15 And when Cainan was seventy years old, he begat three sons and two daughters.
16 And these are the names of the children of Cainan; the name of the first born Mahlallel, the second Enan, and the third Mered, and their sisters were Adah and Zillah; these are the five children of Cainan that were born to him.
Jubilees 4:14b
14b and she bare him a son in the ninth jubilee, in the first week in the third year of this week, [395 A.M] and he called his name Mahalalel.
Year: 421
Methusael (Cain's line) is borniv
Genesis 4:18c
18c and Mehujael begat Methusael:
Jasher 1:36c
36c and Mechuyael begat Methusael.
i. Because the names contained in the genealogy of Cain and the genealogy of Seth are so similar, the titles will indicate which line they belong to.
ii. The year of Irad’s birth is unknown. The year 288 was calculated based on Cainan being the grandson of Seth who was born 90 years after his father was born and Irad being the grandson of Cain who could have been born 92 years after his father was born. This places Irad being born at the beginning of the 7th week of the 6th jubilee.
iii. The year of Mehujael’s birth is unknown. The year 358 was calculated based on Mahalaleel being the great-grandson of Seth who was born 70 years after his father was born and Mehujael being the great-grandson of Cain who could have been born 70 years after his father was born. This places Mehujael being born at the beginning of the 3rd week of the 8th jubilee.
iv. The year of Methusael’s birth is unknown. The year 421 was calculated based on Jared being the great-great-grandson of Seth who was born 65 years after his father was born and Methusael being the great-great-grandson of Cain who could have been born 63 years after his father was born. This places Methusael being born at the beginning of the 5th week of the 9th jubilee.
(6-minute read)
J: 4 | Y: 190-196 | Cain marries Awan and Enoch (Cain’s line) is born
Genesis 4:17a, Jasher 1:34, Jubilees 4:9a
And at the close of the 4th jubilee, Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore a son, and he called his name Enoch, saying, “In that time the Lord began to give him rest and quiet in the earth.”
J: 5 | Y: 197 | Cain builds the city of Enoch
Genesis 4:17b, Jasher 1:35, Jubilees 4:9b
And in the 1st year of the 1st week of the 5th jubilee, houses were built on the earth, and Cain also began to build a city: and he built the city and he called the name of the city Enoch, according to the name of his son; for in those days the Lord had given him rest upon the earth, and he did not move about and wander as in the beginning.
Y: 225-231 | Seth marries Azura
Jubilees 4:11a
And in the 5th week of the 5th jubilee Seth took Azûrâ his sister to be his wife.
Rising Action
Y: 235 | Enos (Seth’s line) is born
Genesis 4:26a, 5:6, Jasher 2:2, Jubilees 4:11b
And in the 4th jubilee, Seth lived 105 years, and he begat a son, and Seth called the name of his son Enosh, saying, “Because in that time the sons of men began to multiply, and to afflict their souls and hearts by transgressing and rebelling against God.”
Enos and others call upon the name of the Lord
Genesis 4:26b, Jubilees 4:12
Then Enos and others began to call on the name of the Lord on the earth.
The corruption of man and the beginning of idolatry
Jasher 2:3-9
And it was in the days of Enosh that the sons of men continued to rebel and transgress against God, increasing the anger of the Lord against them. The sons of men served other gods, making images of brass, iron, wood, and stone, and bowing down to them. Each man made his own god, forsaking the Lord throughout the days of Enosh and his children. The Lord’s anger was kindled because of their works and abominations on the earth.
The Lord caused the waters of the river Gihon to overwhelm them, destroying and consuming a third part of the earth. Despite this judgment, the sons of men did not turn from their evil ways, continuing to do evil in the sight of the Lord. In those days, there was neither sowing nor reaping in the earth, and a great famine ensued. The seed sown in the ground produced thorns, thistles, and briers, fulfilling the curse of God upon the earth because of Adam’s sin before the Lord.
As men persisted in rebellion and corruption, the earth itself became corrupt.
Falling Action
J: 6 | Y: 288 | Irad (Cain’s line) is born
Genesis 4:18a, Jasher 1:36a
And to Enoch was born Irad.
J: 7 | Y: 309-315 | Enos marries Noam
Jubilees 4:13a
And in the 7th jubilee in the 3rd week Enos took Nôâm his sister to be his wife.
Y: 325 | Cainan (Seth’s line) is born
Genesis 5:9, Jasher 2:10, Jubilees 4:13b
And she bore him a son in the 3rd year of the 5th week, and he called his name Kenan.
J: 8 | Y: 358 | Mehujael (Cain’s line) is born
Genesis 4:18b, Jasher 1:36b
And Irad begat Mehujael.
Y: 365 | Cainan became wise
Jasher 2:11a
And Cainan grew up and he was 40 years old, and he became wise and had knowledge and skill in all wisdom, and he reigned over all the sons of men, and he led the sons of men to wisdom and knowledge.
Y: 386-392 | Cainan marries Mualeleth
Jubilees 4:14a
And at the close of the 8th jubilee Kenan took Mûalêlêth his sister to be his wife.
J: 9 | Y: 395 | Mahalaleel (Seth’s line) is born along with Enan, Mered, Adah, and Zillah
Genesis 5:12, Jasher 2:15-16, Jubilees 4:14b
And when Cainan lived 70 years, his wife bore him a son in the 9th jubilee, in the 1st week in the 3rd year of this week, and he called his name Mahalalel. And these are the names of the children of Cainan: the name of the 1st born Mahlallel, the 2nd Enan, and the 3rd Mered, and their sisters were Adah and Zillah. These are the 5 children of Cainan that were born to him.
Y: 421 | Methusael (Cain’s line) is born
Genesis 4:18c, Jasher 1:36c
And Mehujael begat Methusael.
This chart shows who was alive in the years 190-448.
Years with question marks are estimates.