

Major Characters

Minor Characters

Insignificant Characters








Joseph created a mighty army
Jasher 49:43-44

Rising Action

The children of Tarshish battle against the sons of Ishmael
Jasher 50:1-2


The Ishmaelites seek help from Egypt and Joseph responds
Jasher 50:3-5

Falling Action

The Tarshishites retreat
Jasher 50:6


Joseph gathered during the 7 years of plenty
Genesis 41:47-49, Jasher 50:7-14, Jubilees 40:12-13

Joseph created a mighty army

Jasher 49:43-44

43 And Joseph had an army that made war, going out in hosts and troops to the number of forty thousand six hundred men, capable of bearing arms to assist the king and Joseph against the enemy, besides the king’s officers and his servants and inhabitants of Egypt without number.
44 And Joseph gave unto his mighty men, and to all his host, shields and javelins, and caps and coats of mail and stones for slinging.

The children of Tarshish battle against the sons of Ishmael

Jasher 50:1-2

1 At that time the children of Tarshish came against the sons of Ishmael, and made war with them, and the children of Tarshish spoiled the Ishmaelites for a long time.
2 And the children of Ishmael were small in number in those days, and they could not prevail over the children of Tarshish, and they were sorely oppressed.

The Ishmaelites seek help from Egypt and Joseph responds

Jasher 50:3-5

3 And the old men of the Ishmaelites sent a record to the king of Egypt, saying, Send I pray thee unto thy servants officers and hosts to help us to fight against the children of Tarshish, for we have been consuming away for a long time.
4 And Pharaoh sent Joseph with the mighty men and host which were with him, and also his mighty men from the king’s house.
5 And they went to the land of Havilah to the children of Ishmael, to assist them against the children of Tarshish, and the children of Ishmael fought with the children of Tarshish, and Joseph smote the Tarshishites and he subdued all their land, and the children of Ishmael dwell therein unto this day.

The Tarshishites retreat

Jasher 50:6

6 And when the land of Tarshish was subdued, all the Tarshishites ran away, and came on the border of their brethren the children of Javan, and Joseph with all his mighty men and host returned to Egypt, not one man of them missing.

Joseph gathered during the 7 years of plentyi

Genesis 41:47-48

47 And in the seven plenteous years the earth brought forth by handfuls.
48 And he gathered up all the food of the seven years, which were in the land of Egypt, and laid up the food in the cities: the food of the field, which was round about every city, laid he up in the same.

Jasher 50:7-9

7 And at the revolution of the year, in the second year of Joseph’s reigning over Egypt, the Lord gave great plenty throughout the land for seven years as Joseph had spoken, for the Lord blessed all the produce of the earth in those days for seven years, and they ate and were greatly satisfied.
8 And Joseph at that time had officers under him, and they collected all the food of the good years, and heaped corn year by year, and they placed it in the treasuries of Joseph.
9 And at any time when they gathered the food Joseph commanded that they should bring the corn in the ears, and also bring with it some of the soil of the field, that it should not spoil.

Jubilees 40:12-13

12 And in that year Isaac died. And it came to pass as Joseph had said in the interpretation of his two dreams, according as he had said it, there were seven years of plenty over all the land of Egypt, and the land of Egypt abundantly produced, one measure (producing) eighteen hundred measures.
13 And Joseph gathered food into every city until they were full of corn until they could no longer count and measure it for its multitude.

Genesis 41:49

49 And Joseph gathered corn as the sand of the sea, very much, until he left numbering; for it was without number.

Jasher 50:10

10 And Joseph did according to this year by year, and he heaped up corn like the sand of the sea for abundance, for his stores were immense and could not be numbered for abundance.

Jasher 50:11-14

11 And also all the inhabitants of Egypt gathered all sorts of food in their stores in great abundance during the seven good years, but they did not do unto it as Joseph did.
12 And all the food which Joseph and the Egyptians had gathered during the seven years of plenty, was secured for the land in stores for the seven years of famine, for the support of the whole land.
13 And the inhabitants of Egypt filled each man his store and his concealed place with corn, to be for support during the famine.
14 And Joseph placed all the food that he had gathered in all the cities of Egypt, and he closed all the stores and placed sentinels over them.

i. Jubilees 40:12 states Joseph gathered during the year Isaac died which is impossible because Joseph was 24 when Isaac was 180, not 30. Genesis 41:46, Jasher 49:38, and Jubilees 40:11 state that Joseph was 30 years old and Jubilees 46:3 states Joseph was in prison for 3 years meaning he got out of prison at age 30.


Joseph created a mighty army
Jasher 49:43-44

Rising Action

The children of Tarshish battle against the sons of Ishmael
Jasher 50:1-2


The Ishmaelites seek help from Egypt and Joseph responds
Jasher 50:3-5

Falling Action

The Tarshishites retreat
Jasher 50:6


Joseph gathered during the 7 years of plenty
Genesis 41:47-49, Jasher 50:7-14, Jubilees 40:12-13

This chart shows who was alive in the year 2235.
Years with question marks are estimates.