
Jacob’s journey is fraught with tension and impending conflict as Esau, fueled by years of resentment and rage, marches with 400 men to confront him. Messengers frantically relay news of Esau’s intent to make war, while Jacob divides his camp, prays to God, and prepares for a possible bloody clash. However, as Esau’s forces draw near, divine intervention reshapes the battlefield—angels appear, terrifying Esau and his men. In the face of this heavenly power, Esau, once intent on destruction, is forced to confront his fear, and the brothers’ meeting shifts from a conflict to an unexpected truce.

Major Characters

Minor Characters

Insignificant Characters








D: 16 | Jacob and Laban offer a sacrifice and depart ways
Genesis 31:54-55, Jasher 31:53, Jubilees 29:12

Rising Action

Laban sends his son Beor and Abichorof to tell Esau what Jacob did to him
Jasher 31:54-63


Esau angrily gathers his people to pursue Jacob
Jasher 31:64-68

Laban’s messengers tell Rebekah what’s happening
Jasher 31:69-70

Rebekah aids her son by sending Isaac’s servants
Jasher 31:71-77

The angels of YHWH meet with Jacob and Jacob calls the place Mahanaim
Genesis 32:1-2

Jacob sends messengers to Esau to inform him of what’s happening
Genesis 32:3-5, Jasher 32:1-8

Esau responds to the messengers
Jasher 32:9-12

The messengers inform Jacob of Esau’s response
Genesis 32:6, Jasher 32:13-14

Jacob prepares to be attacked
Genesis 32:7-8, Jasher 32:15

Jacob prays to YHWH for deliverance
Genesis 32:9-12, Jasher 32:16-23

Jacob divides his group into two camps
Jasher 32:24-26

The angels of YHWH confront Esau
Jasher 32:27-40

Jacob gathers a gift for Esau
Genesis 32:13-15, Jasher 32:41-42

Jacob gives instructions on how to present the gift
Genesis 32:16-20, Jasher 32:43-46

M: 9 | D: 11 | Jacob passes over the ford Jabbok
Genesis 32:21-22, Jasher 32:47

Jacob wrestles with YHWH
Genesis 32:23-25, Jasher 32:48

Jacob’s name is changed to Israel and Jacob calls that place Penuel
Genesis 32:26-30

Jacob limps as he walks and passed back over the brook
Genesis 32:31-32, Jasher 32:49-51

Jacob sees Esau and divides his family into 2 groups
Genesis 33:1-2, Jasher 32:52-53

Jacob bows 7 times before reaching Esau
Genesis 33:3, Jasher 32:54-55

Falling Action

Esau met Jacob and they lovingly embraced each other
Genesis 33:4, Jasher 32:56-58

Esau asks about Jacob’s family
Genesis 33:5-8, Jasher 32:59-61

Esau reluctantly received the gift Jacob had for him
Genesis 33:9-11, Jasher 32:62-66

Jacob and Esau discuss leaving
Genesis 33:12-16, Jasher 32:67-73, Jubilees 29:13


Y: 2207 | Jacob dwells beyond the Jordan river and sends gifts to his parents throughout the years
Jubilees 29:14-16, 20

Y: 2212 | M: 10 | Jacob makes booths for his cattle and calls the place Succoth and remains there for 18 months
Genesis 33:17, Jasher 33:3-4

Y: 2214 | M: 4 | Jacob goes to Shalem and purchases land
Genesis 33:18-20, Jasher 33:1-2, Jubilees 30:1

Day: 16

Jacob and Laban offer a sacrifice and depart ways

Genesis 31:54-55

54 Then Jacob offered sacrifice upon the mount, and called his brethren to eat bread: and they did eat bread, and tarried all night in the mount.
55 And early in the morning Laban rose up, and kissed his sons and his daughters, and blessed them: and Laban departed, and returned unto his place.

Jasher 31:53

53 And Jacob and Laban offered sacrifice upon the mount, and they ate there by the heap, and they tarried in the mount all night, and Laban rose up early in the morning, and he wept with his daughters and he kissed them, and he returned unto his place.

Jubilees 29:12

12 And Jacob sent away Laban, and he departed into Mesopotamia, the land of the East, and Jacob returned to the land of Gilead.

Laban sends his son Beor and Abichorof to tell Esau what Jacob did to him

Jasher 31:54-63

54 And he hastened and sent off his son Beor, who was seventeen years old, with Abichorof the son of Uz, the son of Nahor, and with them were ten men.
55 And they hastened and went and passed on the road before Jacob, and they came by another road to the land of Seir.
56 And they came unto Esau and said unto him, Thus saith thy brother and relative, thy mother’s brother Laban, the son of Bethuel, saying,
57 Hast thou heard what Jacob thy brother has done unto me, who first came to me naked and bare, and I went to meet him, and brought him to my house with honor, and I made him great, and I gave him my two daughters for wives and also two of my maids.
58 And God blessed him on my account, and he increased abundantly, and had sons, daughters and maid servants.
59 He has also an immense stock of flocks and herds, camels and asses, also silver and gold in abundance; and when he saw that his wealth increased, he left me whilst I went to shear my sheep, and he rose up and fled in secrecy.
60 And he lifted his wives and children upon camels, and he led away all his cattle and property which he acquired in my land, and he lifted up his countenance to go to his father Isaac, to the land of Canaan.
61 And he did not suffer me to kiss my daughters and their children, and he led my daughters as captives taken by the sword, and he also stole my gods and he fled.
62 And now I have left him in the mountain of the brook of Jabuk, him and all belonging to him; he lacketh nothing.
63 If it be thy wish to go to him, go then and there wilt thou find him, and thou canst do unto him as thy soul desireth; and Laban’s messengers came and told Esau all these things.

Esau angrily gathers his people to pursue Jacob

Jasher 31:64-68

64 And Esau heard all the words of Laban’s messengers, and his anger was greatly kindled against Jacob, and he remembered his hatred, and his anger burned within him.
65 And Esau hastened and took his children and servants and the souls of his household, being sixty men, and he went and assembled all the children of Seir the Horite and their people, being three hundred and forty men, and took all this number of four hundred men with drawn swords, and he went unto Jacob to smite him.
66 And Esau divided this number into several parts, and he took the sixty men of his children and servants and the souls of his household as one head, and gave them in care of Eliphaz his eldest son.
67 And the remaining heads he gave to the care of the six sons of Seir the Horite, and he placed every man over his generations and children.
68 And the whole of this camp went as it was, and Esau went amongst them toward Jacob, and he conducted them with speed.

Laban’s messengers tell Rebekah what’s happening

Jasher 31:69-70

69 And Laban’s messengers departed from Esau and went to the land of Canaan, and they came to the house of Rebecca the mother of Jacob and Esau.
70 And they told her saying, Behold thy son Esau has gone against his brother Jacob with four hundred men, for he heard that he was coming, and he is gone to make war with him, and to smite him and to take all that he has.

Rebekah aids her son by sending Isaac’s servants

Jasher 31:71-77

71 And Rebecca hastened and sent seventy two men from the servants of Isaac to meet Jacob on the road; for she said, Peradventure, Esau may make war in the road when he meets him.
72 And these messengers went on the road to meet Jacob, and they met him in the road of the brook on the opposite side of the brook Jabuk, and Jacob said when he saw them, This camp is destined to me from God, and Jacob called the name of that place Machnayim.
73 And Jacob knew all his father’s people, and he kissed them and embraced them and came with them, and Jacob asked them concerning his father and mother, and they said, They were well.
74 And these messengers said unto Jacob, Rebecca thy mother has sent us to thee, saying, I have heard, my son, that thy brother Esau has gone forth against thee on the road with men from the children of Seir the Horite.
75 And therefore, my son, hearken to my voice and see with thy counsel what thou wilt do, and when he cometh up to thee, supplicate him, and do not speak rashly to him, and give him a present from what thou possessest, and from what God has favored thee with.
76 And when he asketh thee concerning thy affairs, conceal nothing from him, perhaps he may turn from his anger against thee and thou wilt thereby save thy soul, thou and all belonging to thee, for it is thy duty to honor him, for he is thy elder brother.
77 And when Jacob heard the words of his mother which the messengers had spoken to him, Jacob lifted up his voice and wept bitterly, and did as his mother then commanded him.

The angels of YHWH meet with Jacob and Jacob calls the place Mahanaim

Genesis 32:1-2

1 And Jacob went on his way, and the angels of God met him.
2 And when Jacob saw them, he said, This is God’s host: and he called the name of that place Mahanaim.

Jacob sends messengers to Esau to inform him of what’s happening

Genesis 32:3-4

3 And Jacob sent messengers before him to Esau his brother unto the land of Seir, the country of Edom.
4 And he commanded them, saying, Thus shall ye speak unto my lord Esau; Thy servant Jacob saith thus, I have sojourned with Laban, and stayed there until now:

Jasher 32:1-2

1 And at that time Jacob sent messengers to his brother Esau toward the land of Seir, and he spoke to him words of supplication.
2 And he commanded them, saying, Thus shall ye say to my lord, to Esau, Thus saith thy servant Jacob, Let not my lord imagine that my father’s blessing with which he did bless me has proved beneficial to me.

Jasher 32:3-4

3 For I have been these twenty years with Laban, and he deceived me and changed my wages ten times, as it has all been already told unto my lord.
4 And I served him in his house very laboriously, and God afterward saw my affliction, my labor and the work of my hands, and he caused me to find grace and favor in his sight.

Genesis 32:5

5 And I have oxen, and asses, flocks, and menservants, and womenservants: and I have sent to tell my lord, that I may find grace in thy sight.

Jasher 32:5

5 And I afterward through God’s great mercy and kindness acquired oxen and asses and cattle, and men servants and maid servants.

Jasher 32:6-8

6 And now I am coming to my land and my home to my father and mother, who are in the land of Canaan; and I have sent to let my lord know all this in order to find favor in the sight of my lord, so that he may not imagine that I have of myself obtained wealth, or that the blessing with which my father blessed me has benefited me.
7 And those messengers went to Esau, and found him on the borders of the land of Edom going toward Jacob, and four hundred men of the children of Seir the Horite were standing with drawn swords.
8 And the messengers of Jacob told Esau all the words that Jacob had spoken to them concerning Esau.

Esau responds to the messengers

Jasher 32:9-12

9 And Esau answered them with pride and contempt, and said unto them, Surely I have heard and truly it has been told unto me what Jacob has done to Laban, who exalted him in his house and gave him his daughters for wives, and he begat sons and daughters, and abundantly increased in wealth and riches in Laban’s house through his means.
10 And when he saw that his wealth was abundant and his riches great he fled with all belonging to him, from Laban’s house, and he led Laban’s daughters away from the face of their father, as captives taken by the sword without telling him of it.
11 And not only to Laban has Jacob done thus but also unto me has he done so and has twice supplanted me, and shall I be silent?
12 Now therefore I have this day come with my camps to meet him, and I will do unto him according to the desire of my heart.

The messengers inform Jacob of Esau’s response

Genesis 32:6

6 And the messengers returned to Jacob, saying, We came to thy brother Esau, and also he cometh to meet thee, and four hundred men with him.

Jasher 32:13

13 And the messengers returned and came to Jacob and said unto him, We came to thy brother, to Esau, and we told him all thy words, and thus has he answered us, and behold he cometh to meet thee with four hundred men.

Jasher 32:14

14 Now then know and see what thou shalt do, and pray before God to deliver thee from him.

Jacob prepares to be attacked

Genesis 32:7

7 Then Jacob was greatly afraid and distressed: and he divided the people that was with him, and the flocks, and herds, and the camels, into two bands;

Jasher 32:15

15 And when he heard the words of his brother which he had spoken to the messengers of Jacob, Jacob was greatly afraid and he was distressed.

Genesis 32:8

8 And said, If Esau come to the one company, and smite it, then the other company which is left shall escape.

Jacob prays to YHWH for deliverance

Genesis 32:9

9 And Jacob said, O God of my father Abraham, and God of my father Isaac, the LORD which saidst unto me, Return unto thy country, and to thy kindred, and I will deal well with thee:

Jasher 32:16

16 And Jacob prayed to the Lord his God, and he said, O Lord God of my fathers, Abraham and Isaac, thou didst say unto me when I went away from my father’s house, saying,

Jasher 32:17-19

17 I am the Lord God of thy father Abraham and the God of Isaac, unto thee do I give this land and thy seed after thee, and I will make thy seed as the stars of heaven, and thou shalt spread forth to the four sides of heaven, and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed.
18 And thou didst establish thy words, and didst give unto me riches and children and cattle, as the utmost wishes of my heart didst thou give unto thy servant; thou didst give unto me all that I asked from thee, so that I lacked nothing.
19 And thou didst afterward say unto me, Return to thy parents and to thy birth place and I will still do well with thee.

Genesis 32:10

10 I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies, and of all the truth, which thou hast shewed unto thy servant; for with my staff I passed over this Jordan; and now I am become two bands.

Genesis 32:11

11 Deliver me, I pray thee, from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esau: for I fear him, lest he will come and smite me, and the mother with the children.

Jasher 32:20-21

20 And now that I have come, and thou didst deliver me from Laban, I shall fall in the hands of Esau who will slay me, yea, together with the mothers of my children.
21 Now therefore, O Lord God, deliver me, I pray thee, also from the hands of my brother Esau, for I am greatly afraid of him.

Genesis 32:12

12 And thou saidst, I will surely do thee good, and make thy seed as the sand of the sea, which cannot be numbered for multitude.

Jasher 32:22-23

22 And if there is no righteousness in me, do it for the sake of Abraham and my father Isaac.
23 For I know that through kindness and mercy have I acquired this wealth; now therefore I beseech thee to deliver me this day with thy kindness and to answer me.

Jacob divides his group into two camps

Jasher 32:24-26

24 And Jacob ceased praying to the Lord, and he divided the people that were with him with the flocks and cattle into two camps, and he gave the half to the care of Damesek, the son of Eliezer, Abraham’s servant, for a camp, with his children, and the other half he gave to the care of his brother Elianus the son of Eliezer, to be for a camp with his children.
25 And he commanded them, saying, Keep yourselves at a distance with your camps, and do not come too near each other, and if Esau come to one camp and slay it, the other camp at a distance from it will escape him.
26 And Jacob tarried there that night, and during the whole night he gave his servants instructions concerning the forces and his children.

The angels of YHWH confront Esau

Jasher 32:27-40

27 And the Lord heard the prayer of Jacob on that day, and the Lord then delivered Jacob from the hands of his brother Esau.
28 And the Lord sent three angels of the angels of heaven, and they went before Esau and came to him.
29 And these angels appeared unto Esau and his people as two thousand men, riding upon horses furnished with all sorts of war instruments, and they appeared in the sight of Esau and all his men to be divided into four camps, with four chiefs to them.
30 And one camp went on and they found Esau coming with four hundred men toward his brother Jacob, and this camp ran toward Esau and his people and terrified them, and Esau fell off the horse in alarm, and all his men separated from him in that place, for they were greatly afraid.
31 And the whole of the camp shouted after them when they fled from Esau, and all the warlike men answered, saying,
32 Surely we are the servants of Jacob, who is the servant of God, and who then can stand against us? And Esau said unto them, O then, my lord and brother Jacob is your lord, whom I have not seen for these twenty years, and now that I have this day come to see him, do you treat me in this manner?
33 And the angels answered him saying, As the Lord liveth, were not Jacob of whom thou speaketh thy brother, we had not let one remaining from thee and thy people, but only on account of Jacob we will do nothing to them.
34 And this camp passed from Esau and his men and it went away, and Esau and his men had gone from them about a league when the second camp came toward him with all sorts of weapons, and they also did unto Esau and his men as the first camp had done to them.
35 And when they had left it to go on, behold the third camp came toward him and they were all terrified, and Esau fell off the horse, and the whole camp cried out, and said, Surely we are the servants of Jacob, who is the servant of God, and who can stand against us?
36 And Esau again answered them saying, O then, Jacob my lord and your lord is my brother, and for twenty years I have not seen his countenance and hearing this day that he was coming, I went this day to meet him, and do you treat me in this manner?
37 And they answered him, and said unto him, As the Lord liveth, were not Jacob thy brother as thou didst say, we had not left a remnant from thee and thy men, but on account of Jacob of whom thou speakest being thy brother, we will not meddle with thee or thy men.
38 And the third camp also passed from them, and he still continued his road with his men toward Jacob, when the fourth camp came toward him, and they also did unto him and his men as the others had done.
39 And when Esau beheld the evil which the four angels had done to him and to his men, he became greatly afraid of his brother Jacob, and he went to meet him in peace.
40 And Esau concealed his hatred against Jacob, because he was afraid of his life on account of his brother Jacob, and because he imagined that the four camps that he had lighted upon were Jacob’s servants.

Jacob gathers a gift for Esaui

Genesis 32:13-15

13 And he lodged there that same night; and took of that which came to his hand a present for Esau his brother;
14 Two hundred she goats, and twenty he goats, two hundred ewes, and twenty rams,
15 Thirty milch camels with their colts, forty kine, and ten bulls, twenty she asses, and ten foals.

Jasher 32:41-42

41 And Jacob tarried that night with his servants in their camps, and he resolved with his servants to give unto Esau a present from all that he had with him, and from all his property; and Jacob rose up in the morning, he and his men, and they chose from amongst the cattle a present for Esau.
42 And this is the amount of the present which Jacob chose from his flock to give unto his brother Esau: and he selected two hundred and forty head from the flocks, and he selected from the camels and asses thirty each, and of the herds he chose fifty kine.

Jacob gives instructions on how to present the gift

Genesis 32:16-18

16 And he delivered them into the hand of his servants, every drove by themselves; and said unto his servants, Pass over before me, and put a space betwixt drove and drove.
17 And he commanded the foremost, saying, When Esau my brother meeteth thee, and asketh thee, saying, Whose art thou? and whither goest thou? and whose are these before thee?
18 Then thou shalt say, They be thy servant Jacob’s; it is a present sent unto my lord Esau: and, behold, also he is behind us.

Jasher 32:43-45

43 And he put them all in ten droves, and he placed each sort by itself, and he delivered them into the hands of ten of his servants, each drove by itself.
44 And he commanded them, and said unto them, Keep yourselves at a distance from each other, and put a space between the droves, and when Esau and those who are with him shall meet you and ask you, saying, Whose are you, and whither do you go, and to whom belongeth all this before you, you shall say unto them, We are the servants of Jacob, and we come to meet Esau in peace, and behold Jacob cometh behind us.
45 And that which is before us is a present sent from Jacob to his brother Esau.

Genesis 32:19

19 And so commanded he the second, and the third, and all that followed the droves, saying, On this manner shall ye speak unto Esau, when ye find him.

Genesis 32:20

20 And say ye moreover, Behold, thy servant Jacob is behind us. For he said, I will appease him with the present that goeth before me, and afterward I will see his face; peradventure he will accept of me.

Jasher 32:46

46 And if they shall say unto you, Why doth he delay behind you, from coming to meet his brother and to see his face, then you shall say unto them, Surely he cometh joyfully behind us to meet his brother, for he said, I will appease him with the present that goeth to him, and after this I will see his face, peradventure he will accept of me.

Month: 9

Day: 11

Jacob passes over the ford Jabbok

Genesis 32:21-23

21 So went the present over before him: and himself lodged that night in the company.
22 And he rose up that night, and took his two wives, and his two womenservants, and his eleven sons, and passed over the ford Jabbok.
23 And he took them, and sent them over the brook, and sent over that he had.

Jasher 32:47

47 So the whole present passed on in the hands of his servants, and went before him on that day, and he lodged that night with his camps by the border of the brook of Jabuk, and he rose up in the midst of the night, and he took his wives and his maid servants, and all belonging to him, and he that night passed them over the ford Jabuk.

Jacob wrestles with YHWH

Genesis 32:24-25

24 And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day.
25 And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob’s thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him.

Jasher 32:48

48 And when he passed all belonging to him over the brook, Jacob was left by himself, and a man met him, and he wrestled with him that night until the breaking of the day, and the hollow of Jacob’s thigh was out of joint through wrestling with him.

Jacob’s name is changed to Israel and Jacob calls that place Penuelii

Genesis 32:26-30

26 And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me.
27 And he said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob.
28 And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.
29 And Jacob asked him, and said, Tell me, I pray thee, thy name. And he said, Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name? And he blessed him there.
30 And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.

Jacob limps as he walks and passed back over the brook

Genesis 32:31

31 And as he passed over Penuel the sun rose upon him, and he halted upon his thigh.

Jasher 32:49-50

49 And at the break of day the man left Jacob there, and he blessed him and went away, and Jacob passed the brook at the break of day, and he halted upon his thigh.
50 And the sun rose upon him when he had passed the brook, and he came up to the place of his cattle and children.

Genesis 32:32

32 Therefore the children of Israel eat not of the sinew which shrank, which is upon the hollow of the thigh, unto this day: because he touched the hollow of Jacob’s thigh in the sinew that shrank.

Jasher 32:51

51 And they went on till midday, and whilst they were going the present was passing on before them.

Jacob sees Esau and divides his family into 2 groups

Genesis 33:1

1 And Jacob lifted up his eyes, and looked, and, behold, Esau came, and with him four hundred men. And he divided the children unto Leah, and unto Rachel, and unto the two handmaids.

Jasher 32:52-53

52 And Jacob lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold Esau was at a distance, coming along with many men, about four hundred, and Jacob was greatly afraid of his brother.
53 And Jacob hastened and divided his children unto his wives and his handmaids, and his daughter Dinah he put in a chest, and delivered her into the hands of his servants.

Genesis 33:2

2 And he put the handmaids and their children foremost, and Leah and her children after, and Rachel and Joseph hindermost.

Jacob bows 7 times before reaching Esau

Genesis 33:3

3 And he passed over before them, and bowed himself to the ground seven times, until he came near to his brother.

Jasher 32:54

54 And he passed before his children and wives to meet his brother, and he bowed down to the ground, yea he bowed down seven times until he approached his brother, and God caused Jacob to find grace and favor in the sight of Esau and his men, for God had heard the prayer of Jacob.

Jasher 32:55

55 And the fear of Jacob and his terror fell upon his brother Esau, for Esau was greatly afraid of Jacob for what the angels of God had done to Esau, and Esau’s anger against Jacob was turned into kindness.

Esau met Jacob and they lovingly embraced each other

Genesis 33:4

4 And Esau ran to meet him, and embraced him, and fell on his neck, and kissed him: and they wept.

Jasher 32:56

56 And when Esau saw Jacob running toward him, he also ran toward him and he embraced him, and he fell upon his neck, and they kissed and they wept.

Jasher 32:57-58

57 And God put fear and kindness toward Jacob in the hearts of the men that came with Esau, and they also kissed Jacob and embraced him.
58 And also Eliphaz, the son of Esau, with his four brothers, sons of Esau, wept with Jacob, and they kissed him and embraced him, for the fear of Jacob had fallen upon them all.

Esau asks about Jacob’s family

Genesis 33:5

5 And he lifted up his eyes, and saw the women and the children; and said, Who are those with thee? And he said, The children which God hath graciously given thy servant.

Jasher 32:59-60

59 And Esau lifted up his eyes and saw the women with their offspring, the children of Jacob, walking behind Jacob and bowing along the road to Esau.
60 And Esau said unto Jacob, Who are these with thee, my brother? are they thy children or thy servants? and Jacob answered Esau and said, They are my children which God hath graciously given to thy servant.

Genesis 33:6-7

6 Then the handmaidens came near, they and their children, and they bowed themselves.
7 And Leah also with her children came near, and bowed themselves: and after came Joseph near and Rachel, and they bowed themselves.

Genesis 33:8

8 And he said, What meanest thou by all this drove which I met? And he said, These are to find grace in the sight of my lord.

Jasher 32:61

61 And whilst Jacob was speaking to Esau and his men, Esau beheld the whole camp, and he said unto Jacob, Whence didst thou get the whole of the camp that I met yesternight? and Jacob said, To find favor in the sight of my lord, it is that which God graciously gave to thy servant.

Esau reluctantly received the gift Jacob had for him

Genesis 33:9-10

9 And Esau said, I have enough, my brother; keep that thou hast unto thyself.
10 And Jacob said, Nay, I pray thee, if now I have found grace in thy sight, then receive my present at my hand: for therefore I have seen thy face, as though I had seen the face of God, and thou wast pleased with me.

Jasher 32:62-64

62 And the present came before Esau, and Jacob pressed Esau, saying, Take I pray thee the present that I have brought to my lord, and Esau said, Wherefore is this my purpose? keep that which thou hast unto thyself.
63 And Jacob said, It is incumbent upon me to give all this, since I have seen thy face, that thou still livest in peace.
64 And Esau refused to take the present, and Jacob said unto him, I beseech thee my lord, if now I have found favor in thy sight, then receive my present at my hand, for I have therefore seen thy face, as though I had seen a god-like face, because thou wast pleased with me.

Genesis 33:11

11 Take, I pray thee, my blessing that is brought to thee; because God hath dealt graciously with me, and because I have enough. And he urged him, and he took it.

Jasher 32:65-66

65 And Esau took the present, and Jacob also gave unto Esau silver and gold and bdellium, for he pressed him so much that he took them.
66 And Esau divided the cattle that were in the camp, and he gave the half to the men who had come with him, for they had come on hire, and the other half he delivered unto the hands of his children.

Jacob and Esau discuss leaving

Genesis 33:12-15

12 And he said, Let us take our journey, and let us go, and I will go before thee.
13 And he said unto him, My lord knoweth that the children are tender, and the flocks and herds with young are with me: and if men should overdrive them one day, all the flock will die.
14 Let my lord, I pray thee, pass over before his servant: and I will lead on softly, according as the cattle that goeth before me and the children be able to endure, until I come unto my lord unto Seir.
15 And Esau said, Let me now leave with thee some of the folk that are with me. And he said, What needeth it? let me find grace in the sight of my lord.

Jasher 32:67-70

67 And the silver and gold and bdellium he gave in the hands of Eliphaz his eldest son, and Esau said unto Jacob, Let us remain with thee, and we will go slowly along with thee until thou comest to my place with me, that we may dwell there together.
68 And Jacob answered his brother and said, I would do as my lord speaketh unto me, but my lord knoweth that the children are tender, and the flocks and herds with their young who are with me, go but slowly, for if they went swiftly they would all die, for thou knowest their burdens and their fatigue.
69 Therefore let my lord pass on before his servant, and I will go on slowly for the sake of the children and the flock, until I come to my lord’s place to Seir.
70 And Esau said unto Jacob, I will place with thee some of the people that are with me to take care of thee in the road, and to bear thy fatigue and burden, and he said, What needeth it my lord, if I may find grace in thy sight?

Jasher 32:71-73

71 Behold I will come unto thee to Seir to dwell there together as thou hast spoken, go thou then with thy people for I will follow thee.
72 And Jacob said this to Esau in order to remove Esau and his men from him, so that Jacob might afterward go to his father’s house to the land of Canaan.
73 And Esau hearkened to the voice of Jacob, and Esau returned with the four hundred men that were with him on their road to Seir, and Jacob and all belonging to him went that day as far as the extremity of the land of Canaan in its borders, and he remained there some time.

Genesis 33:16

16 So Esau returned that day on his way unto Seir.

Jubilees 29:13

13 And he passed over the Jabbok in the ninth month, on the eleventh thereof. And on that day Esau, his brother, came to him, and he was reconciled to him, and departed from him unto the land of Seir, but Jacob dwelt in tents.

Year: 2207

Jacob dwells beyond the Jordan river and sends gifts to his parents throughout the years

Jubilees 29:14-16

14 And in the first year of the fifth week in this jubilee [2136 A.M.] he crossed the Jordan, and dwelt beyond the Jordan, and he pastured his sheep from the sea of the heap unto Bethshan, and unto Dothan and unto the forest of Akrabbim.
15 And he sent to his father Isaac of all his substance, clothing, and food, and meat, and drink, and milk, and butter, and cheese, and some dates of the valley.
16 And to his mother Rebecca also four times a year, between the times of the months, between ploughing and reaping, and between autumn and the rain (season) and between winter and spring, to the tower of Abraham.

Jubilees 29:20

20 And thither Jacob sent all that he did send to his father and his mother from time to time, all they needed, and they blessed Jacob with all their heart and with all their soul.

Year: 2212

Month: 10

Jacob makes booths for his cattle and calls the place Succoth and remains there for 18 monthsiii

Genesis 33:17

17 And Jacob journeyed to Succoth, and built him an house, and made booths for his cattle: therefore the name of the place is called Succoth.

Jasher 33:3

3 And Jacob there built himself a house, and he pitched his tent there, and he made booths for his cattle, therefore he called the name of that place Succoth.

Jasher 33:4

4 And Jacob remained in Succoth a year and six months.

Year: 2214

Month: 4

Jacob goes to Shalem and purchases land

Genesis 33:18

18 And Jacob came to Shalem, a city of Shechem, which is in the land of Canaan, when he came from Padanaram; and pitched his tent before the city.

Jasher 33:1

1 And in some time after Jacob went away from the borders of the land, and he came to the land of Shalem, that is the city of Shechem, which is in the land of Canaan, and he rested in front of the city.

Jubilees 30:1

1 And in the first year of the sixth week [2143 A.M.] he went up to Salem, to the east of Shechem, in peace, in the fourth month.

Genesis 33:19

19 And he bought a parcel of a field, where he had spread his tent, at the hand of the children of Hamor, Shechem’s father, for an hundred pieces of money.

Jasher 33:2

2 And he bought a parcel of the field which was there, from the children of Hamor the people of the land, for five shekels.

Jacob builds an altar and calls it EleloheIsrael

Genesis 33:20

20 And he erected there an altar, and called it EleloheIsrael.

i. Genesis 32:14-15 has 550 animals listed whereas Jasher 32:42 has 350 animals listed.
ii. This is the first time Jacob’s name was changed to Israel. The second time is in Genesis 35:10, Jasher 36:8, and Jubilees 32:17.
iii. Jasher 33:1-2 has Jacob in Shalem first and Succoth second in Jasher 33:3-4. Genesis 33:17-19 has it in reverse so I’m going with the Genesis account. Jasher 33:4 says that Jacob remained in Succoth for 18 months which is difficult to reconcile with Jubilees 30:1 so I’m placing this event before Jacob goes to Shalem which is how Genesis has it.


D: 16 | Jacob and Laban offer a sacrifice and depart ways
Genesis 31:54-55, Jasher 31:53, Jubilees 29:12
Then Jacob offered sacrifice upon the mount, and called his brothers to eat bread: and they did eat bread, and tarried all night in the mount. And early in the morning Laban rose, and kissed his sons and his daughters, and blessed them: and Laban departed into Mesopotamia, the land of the East, and Jacob returned to the land of Gilead.

Rising Action

Laban sends his son Beor and Abichorof to tell Esau what Jacob did to him
Jasher 31:54-63
And he hurried and sent off his son Beor, who was 17 years old, with Abichorof the son of Uz, the son of Nahor, and with them were 10 men. And they hurried and went and passed on the road before Jacob, and they came by another road to the land of Seir. And they came to Esau and said to him, “Thus says your brother and relative, your mother’s brother Laban, the son of Bethuel, saying, ‘Have you heard what Jacob your brother has done to me, who first came to me naked and bare, and I went to meet him, and brought him to my house with honor, and I made him great, and I gave him my 2 daughters for wives and also 2 of my maids? And God blessed him on my account, and he increased abundantly and had sons, daughters, and maidservants. He has also an immense stock of flocks and herds, camels and donkeys, also silver and gold in abundance; and when he saw that his wealth increased, he left me while I went to shear my sheep, and he rose and fled in secrecy. And he lifted his wives and children upon camels, and he led away all his cattle and property which he acquired in my land, and he lifted his countenance to go to his father Isaac, to the land of Canaan. And he did not suffer me to kiss my daughters and their children, and he led my daughters as captives taken by the sword, and he also stole my gods and he fled. And now I have left him in the mountain of the brook of Jabuk, him and all belonging to him; he lacks nothing. If it be your wish to go to him, go then and there will you find him, and you can do to him as your soul desires;'” and Laban’s messengers came and told Esau all these things.


Esau angrily gathers his people to pursue Jacob
Jasher 31:64-68
And Esau heard all the words of Laban’s messengers, and his anger was greatly kindled against Jacob, and he remembered his hatred, and his anger burned within him. And Esau hurried and took his children and servants and the souls of his household, being 60 men, and he went and assembled all the children of Seir the Horite and their people, being 340 men, and took all this number of 400 men with drawn swords, and he went to Jacob to smite him. And Esau divided this number into several parts, and he took the 60 men of his children and servants and the souls of his household as one head, and gave them in the care of Eliphaz his eldest son. And the remaining heads he gave to the care of the 6 sons of Seir the Horite, and he placed every man over his generations and children. And the whole of this camp went as it was, and Esau went among them toward Jacob, and he conducted them with speed.

Laban’s messengers tell Rebekah what’s happening
Jasher 31:69-70
And Laban’s messengers departed from Esau and went to the land of Canaan, and they came to the house of Rebecca the mother of Jacob and Esau. And they told her saying, “Behold your son Esau has gone against his brother Jacob with 400 men, for he heard that he was coming, and he is gone to make war with him, and to smite him and to take all that he has.”

Rebekah aids her son by sending Isaac’s servants
Jasher 31:71-77
And Rebecca hurried and sent 72 men from the servants of Isaac to meet Jacob on the road; for she said, “Peradventure, Esau may make war in the road when he meets him.”

And these messengers went on the road to meet Jacob, and they met him on the road of the brook on the opposite side of the brook Jabuk, and Jacob said when he saw them, “This camp is destined to me from God,” and Jacob called the name of that place Machnayim.

And Jacob knew all his father’s people, and he kissed them and embraced them and came with them, and Jacob asked them concerning his father and mother, and they said, “They were well.”

And these messengers said to Jacob, “Rebecca your mother has sent us to you, saying, ‘I have heard, my son, that your brother Esau has gone forth against you on the road with men from the children of Seir the Horite. And therefore, my son, listen to my voice and see with your counsel what you will do, and when he comes up to you, supplicate him, and do not speak rashly to him, and give him a present from what you possess, and from what God has favored you with. And when he asks you concerning your affairs, conceal nothing from him, perhaps he may turn from his anger against you and you will thereby save your soul, you and all belonging to you, for it is your duty to honor him, for he is your elder brother.'”

And when Jacob heard the words of his mother which the messengers had spoken to him, Jacob lifted his voice and wept bitterly, and did as his mother then commanded him.

The angels of YHWH meet with Jacob and Jacob calls the place Mahanaim
Genesis 32:1-2
And Jacob went on his way, and the angels of God met him. And when Jacob saw them, he said, “This is God’s host:” and he called the name of that place Mahanaim.

Jacob sends messengers to Esau to inform him of what’s happening
Genesis 32:3-5, Jasher 32:1-8
And at that time Jacob sent messengers to his brother Esau toward the land of Seir, and he spoke to him words of supplication. And he commanded them, saying, “Thus will you say to my lord, to Esau, ‘Thus says your servant Jacob, “Let not my lord imagine that my father’s blessing with which he did bless me has proved beneficial to me. For I have been these 20 years with Laban, and he deceived me and changed my wages 10 times, as it has all been already told to my lord. And I served him in his house very laboriously, and God afterward saw my affliction, my labor, and the work of my hands, and he caused me to find grace and favor in his sight. And I afterward through God’s great mercy and kindness acquired oxen and donkeys and cattle, and men servants and maid servants. And now I am coming to my land and my home to my father and mother, who are in the land of Canaan; and I have sent to let my lord know all this to find favor in the sight of my lord, so that he may not imagine that I have of myself obtained wealth, or that the blessing with which my father blessed me has benefited me.”‘”

And those messengers went to Esau, and found him on the borders of the land of Edom going toward Jacob, and 400 men of the children of Seir the Horite were standing with drawn swords. And the messengers of Jacob told Esau all the words that Jacob had spoken to them concerning Esau.

Esau responds to the messengers
Jasher 32:9-12
And Esau answered them with pride and contempt, and said to them, “Surely I have heard and truly it has been told to me what Jacob has done to Laban, who exalted him in his house and gave him his daughters for wives, and he begat sons and daughters and abundantly increased in wealth and riches in Laban’s house through his means. And when he saw that his wealth was abundant and his riches great he fled with all belonging to him, from Laban’s house, and he led Laban’s daughters away from the face of their father, as captives taken by the sword without telling him of it. And not only to Laban has Jacob done thus but also to me has he done so and has twice supplanted me, and shall I be silent? Now therefore I have this day come with my camps to meet him, and I will do to him according to the desire of my heart.”

The messengers inform Jacob of Esau’s response
Genesis 32:6, Jasher 32:13-14
And the messengers returned and came to Jacob and said to him, “We came to your brother, to Esau, and we told him all your words, and thus has he answered us, and behold he comes to meet you with 400 men. Now then know and see what you will do, and pray before God to deliver you from him.”

Jacob prepares to be attacked
Genesis 32:7-8, Jasher 32:15
Then Jacob was greatly afraid and distressed: and he divided the people that was with him, and the flocks, the herds, and the camels, into 2 bands; and said, “If Esau come to the one company, and smite it, then the other company which is left will escape.”

Jacob prays to YHWH for deliverance
Genesis 32:9-12, Jasher 32:16-23
And Jacob prayed to the Lord his God, and he said, “O Lord God of my fathers, Abraham and Isaac, you did say to me when I went away from my father’s house, saying, ‘I am the Lord God of your father Abraham and the God of Isaac, to you do I give this land and your seed after you, and I will make your seed as the stars of heaven, and you will spread forth to the 4 sides of heaven, and in you and in your seed will all the families of the earth be blessed.’ And you did establish your words, and did give to me riches and children and cattle, as the utmost wishes of my heart did you give to your servant; you did give to me all that I asked from you so that I lacked nothing. And you did afterward say to me, ‘Return to your parents and to your birthplace and I will still do well with you.’ I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies, and of all the truth, which you have showed to your servant; for with my staff I passed over this Jordan; and now I have become 2 bands. And now that I have come, and you did deliver me from Laban, I will fall in the hands of Esau who will slay me, yes, together with the mothers of my children. Now therefore, O Lord God, deliver me also from the hands of my brother Esau, for I am greatly afraid of him. And you said, ‘I will surely do you good, and make your seed as the sand of the sea, which cannot be numbered for multitude.’ And if there is no righteousness in me, do it for the sake of Abraham and my father Isaac. For I know that through kindness and mercy have I acquired this wealth; now therefore I beseech you to deliver me this day with your kindness and to answer me.”

Jacob divides his group into two camps
Jasher 32:24-26
And Jacob ceased praying to the Lord, and he divided the people that were with him with the flocks and cattle into 2 camps, and he gave the half to the care of Damesek, the son of Eliezer, Abraham’s servant, for a camp, with his children, and the other half he gave to the care of his brother Elianus the son of Eliezer, to be for a camp with his children. And he commanded them, saying, “Keep yourselves at a distance with your camps, and do not come too near each other, and if Esau come to one camp and slay it, the other camp at a distance from it will escape him.”

And Jacob tarried there that night, and during the whole night he gave his servants instructions concerning the forces and his children.

The angels of YHWH confront Esau
Jasher 32:27-40
And the Lord heard the prayer of Jacob on that day, and the Lord then delivered Jacob from the hands of his brother Esau. And the Lord sent 3 angels of the angels of heaven, and they went before Esau and came to him. And these angels appeared to Esau and his people as 2,000 men, riding upon horses furnished with all sorts of war instruments, and they appeared in the sight of Esau and all his men to be divided into 4 camps, with 4 chiefs to them. And 1 camp went on and they found Esau coming with 400 men toward his brother Jacob, and this camp ran toward Esau and his people and terrified them, and Esau fell off the horse in alarm, and all his men separated from him in that place, for they were greatly afraid. And the whole of the camp shouted after them when they fled from Esau, and all the warlike men answered, saying, “Surely we are the servants of Jacob, who is the servant of God, and who then can stand against us?”

And Esau said to them, “O then, my lord and brother Jacob is your lord, whom I have not seen for these 20 years, and now that I have this day come to see him, do you treat me in this manner?”

And the angels answered him saying, “As the Lord lives, were not Jacob of whom you speak your brother, we had not let one remaining from you and your people, but only on account of Jacob we will do nothing to them.”

And this camp passed from Esau and his men and it went away, and Esau and his men had gone from them about a league when the 2nd camp came toward him with all sorts of weapons, and they also did to Esau and his men as the 1st camp had done to them. And when they had left it to go on, behold the 3rd camp came toward him and they were all terrified, and Esau fell off the horse, and the whole camp cried out, and said, “Surely we are the servants of Jacob, who is the servant of God, and who can stand against us?”

And Esau again answered them saying, “O then, Jacob my lord and your lord is my brother, and for 20 years I have not seen his countenance and hearing this day that he was coming, I went this day to meet him, and do you treat me in this manner?”

And they answered him, and said to him, “As the Lord lives, were not Jacob your brother as you did say, we had not left a remnant from you and your men, but on account of Jacob of whom you speak being your brother, we will not meddle with you or your men.”

And the 3rd camp also passed from them, and he still continued his road with his men toward Jacob, when the 4th camp came toward him, and they also did to him and his men as the others had done. And when Esau beheld the evil which the 4 angels had done to him and to his men, he became greatly afraid of his brother Jacob, and he went to meet him in peace. And Esau concealed his hatred against Jacob, because he was afraid of his life on account of his brother Jacob, and because he imagined that the 4 camps that he had lighted upon were Jacob’s servants.

Jacob gathers a gift for Esau
Genesis 32:13-15, Jasher 32:41-42
And Jacob tarried that night with his servants in their camps, and he resolved with his servants to give to Esau a present from all that he had with him, and from all his property; and Jacob rose up in the morning, he and his men, and they chose from among the cattle a present for Esau. And this is the amount of the present which Jacob chose from his flock to give to his brother Esau: and he selected 200 she goats, and 20 he goats, 200 ewes, and 20 rams, and he selected 30 milch camels with their colts, 40 kine, and 10 bulls, 20 she donkeys, and 10 foals.

Jacob gives instructions on how to present the gift
Genesis 32:16-20, Jasher 32:43-46
And he put them all in 10 droves, and he placed each sort by itself, and he delivered them into the hands of 10 of his servants, each drove by itself. And he commanded them, and said to them, “Keep yourselves at a distance from each other, and put a space between the droves, and when Esau and those who are with him will meet you and ask you, saying, ‘Whose are you, and where are you going, and to whom belong all this before you,’ you will say to them, ‘We are the servants of Jacob, and we come to meet Esau in peace, and behold Jacob comes behind us. And that which is before us is a present sent from Jacob to his brother Esau.'”

And so commanded he the 2nd, the 3rd, and all that followed the droves, saying, “On this manner you will speak to Esau, when you find him. And if they say to you, ‘Why does he delay behind you, from coming to meet his brother and to see his face,’ then you will say to them, ‘Surely he comes joyfully behind us to meet his brother, for he said, “I will appease him with the present that goes to him, and after this I will see his face, peradventure he will accept of me.”‘”

M: 9 | D: 11 | Jacob passes over the ford Jabbok
Genesis 32:21-22, Jasher 32:47
So went the present over before him: and himself lodged that night in the company. And he rose up that night, and took his 2 wives, and his 2 womenservants, and his 11 sons, and passed over the ford Jabbok (Jabuk). And he took them, and sent them over the brook, and sent over that he had.

Jacob wrestles with YHWH
Genesis 32:23-25, Jasher 32:48
And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day. And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob’s thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him.

Jacob’s name is changed to Israel and Jacob calls that place Penuel
Genesis 32:26-30
And he said, “Let me go, for the day breaks.”

And he said, “I will not let you go, except you bless me.”

And he said to him, “What is your name?”

And he said, “Jacob.”

And he said, “Your name will be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince have you power with God and with men, and have prevailed.”

And Jacob asked him, and said, “Tell me your name.”

And he said, “Why is it that you ask after my name?”

And he blessed him there. And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.

Jacob limps as he walks and passed back over the brook
Genesis 32:31-32, Jasher 32:49-51
And at the break of day the man left Jacob Penuel, and he blessed him and went away, and Jacob passed the brook at the break of day, and he halted upon his thigh. And the sun rose upon him when he had passed the brook, and he came up to the place of his cattle and children.

Therefore the children of Israel eat not of the sinew which shrank, which is upon the hollow of the thigh, to this day: because he touched the hollow of Jacob’s thigh in the sinew that shrank.

And they went on until midday, and while they were going the present was passing on before them.

Jacob sees Esau and divides his family into 2 groups
Genesis 33:1-2, Jasher 32:52-53
And Jacob lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold Esau was at a distance, coming along with many men, about 400, and Jacob was greatly afraid of his brother. And Jacob hurried and divided his children to Leah and Rachel and his 2 handmaids, and his daughter Dinah he put in a chest, and delivered her into the hands of his servants. And he put the handmaids and their children foremost, and Leah and her children after, and Rachel and Joseph hindermost.

Jacob bows 7 times before reaching Esau
Genesis 33:3, Jasher 32:54-55
And he passed before his children and wives to meet his brother, and he bowed down to the ground, yes he bowed down 7 times until he approached his brother, and God caused Jacob to find grace and favor in the sight of Esau and his men, for God had heard the prayer of Jacob. And the fear of Jacob and his terror fell upon his brother Esau, for Esau was greatly afraid of Jacob for what the angels of God had done to Esau, and Esau’s anger against Jacob was turned into kindness.

Falling Action

Esau met Jacob and they lovingly embraced each other
Genesis 33:4, Jasher 32:56-58
And when Esau saw Jacob running toward him, he also ran toward him and he embraced him, and he fell upon his neck, and they kissed and they wept. And God put fear and kindness toward Jacob in the hearts of the men that came with Esau, and they also kissed Jacob and embraced him. And also Eliphaz, the son of Esau, with his 4 brothers, sons of Esau, wept with Jacob, and they kissed him and embraced him, for the fear of Jacob had fallen upon them all.

Esau asks about Jacob’s family
Genesis 33:5-8, Jasher 32:59-61
And Esau lifted his eyes and saw the women with their offspring, the children of Jacob, walking behind Jacob and bowing along the road to Esau. And Esau said to Jacob, “Who are these with you, my brother? Are they your children or your servants?”

And Jacob answered Esau and said, “They are my children which God has graciously given to your servant.”

Then the handmaidens came near, they and their children, and they bowed themselves. And Leah also with her children came near, and bowed themselves: and after came Joseph near and Rachel, and they bowed themselves. And while Jacob was speaking to Esau and his men, Esau beheld the whole camp, and he said to Jacob, “Where did you get the whole of the camp that I met last night?”

And Jacob said, “To find favor in the sight of my lord, it is that which God graciously gave to your servant.”

Esau reluctantly received the gift Jacob had for him
Genesis 33:9-11, Jasher 32:62-66
And the present came before Esau, and Jacob pressed Esau, saying, “Take the present that I have brought to my lord,” and Esau said, “Why is this my purpose? Keep that which you have to yourself.”

And Jacob said, “It is incumbent upon me to give all this, since I have seen your face, that you still live in peace.”

And Esau refused to take the present, and Jacob said to him, “I beseech you my lord, if now I have found favor in your sight, then receive my present at my hand, for I have therefore seen your face, as though I had seen a god-like face, because you were pleased with me. Take my blessing that is brought to you; because God hath dealt graciously with me, and because I have enough.”

And he urged him, and Esau took the present, and Jacob also gave to Esau silver and gold and bdellium, for he pressed him so much that he took them. And Esau divided the cattle that were in the camp, and he gave the half to the men who had come with him, for they had come on hire, and the other half he delivered to the hands of his children.

Jacob and Esau discuss leaving
Genesis 33:12-16, Jasher 32:67-73, Jubilees 29:13
And the silver and gold and bdellium he gave in the hands of Eliphaz his eldest son, and Esau said to Jacob, “Let us remain with you, and we will go slowly along with you until you come to my place with me, that we may dwell there together.”

And Jacob answered his brother and said, “I would do as my lord speaks to me, but my lord knows that the children are tender, and the flocks and herds with their young who are with me, go but slowly, for if they went swiftly they would all die, for you know their burdens and their fatigue. Therefore let my lord pass on before his servant, and I will go on slowly for the sake of the children and the flock, until I come to my lord’s place to Seir.”

And Esau said to Jacob, “I will place with you some of the people that are with me to take care of you in the road, and to bear your fatigue and burden,” and he said, “What needs it my lord, if I may find grace in your sight? Behold I will come to you to Seir to dwell there together as you have spoken, go then with your people for I will follow you.”

And Jacob said this to Esau in order to remove Esau and his men from him, so that Jacob might afterward go to his father’s house to the land of Canaan. And Esau listened to the voice of Jacob, and Esau returned with the 400 men that were with him on their road to Seir, and Jacob and all belonging to him went that day as far as the extremity of the land of Canaan in its borders, and he remained there some time.

And he passed over the Jabbok in the 9th month, on the 11th thereof. And on that day Esau, his brother, came to him, and he was reconciled to him, and departed from him to the land of Seir, but Jacob dwelt in tents.


Y: 2207 | Jacob dwells beyond the Jordan river and sends gifts to his parents throughout the years
Jubilees 29:14-16, 20
And in the 1st year of the 5th week in this jubilee he crossed the Jordan, and dwelled beyond the Jordan, and he pastured his sheep from the sea of the heap to Bethshan, and to Dothan and to the forest of Akrabbim. And he sent to his father Isaac of all his substance, clothing, and food, and meat, and drink, and milk, and butter, and cheese, and some dates of the valley. And to his mother Rebecca also 4 times a year, between the times of the months, between ploughing and reaping, and between autumn and the rain season and between winter and spring, to the tower of Abraham. And there Jacob sent all that he did send to his father and his mother from time to time, all they needed, and they blessed Jacob with all their heart and with all their soul.

Y: 2212 | M: 10 | Jacob makes booths for his cattle and calls the place Succoth and remains there for 18 months
Genesis 33:17, Jasher 33:3-4
And Jacob there built himself a house, and he pitched his tent there, and he made booths for his cattle, therefore he called the name of that place Succoth. And Jacob remained in Succoth 18 months.

Y: 2214 | M: 4 | Jacob goes to Shalem and purchases land
Genesis 33:18-20, Jasher 33:1-2, Jubilees 30:1
And in the 1st year of the 6th week in the 4th month Jacob went away from the borders of the land, and he came to the land of Shalem, that is the city of Shechem, which is in the land of Canaan, and he pitched his tent and rested in front of the city.

And he bought a parcel of a field, where he had spread his tent, at the hand of the children of Hamor, Shechem’s father, for 100 pieces of money (5 shekels). And he erected there an altar, and called it EleloheIsrael.

This chart shows who was alive in years 2206-2214.
Years with question marks are estimates.