
In the turbulent era of Abram’s ninety-first year, two ancient civilizations clashed in a dramatic struggle for dominance and destiny. The Children of Chittim, having established their thriving cities along the fertile plains of Canopia and beside the mighty river Tibreu, found themselves locked in fierce conflict with their neighbors, the Children of Tubal. The Tubalites, resolute in their fortifications within Tuscanah and its venerable city, Sabinah, fought valiantly but were decisively defeated, with 370 of their warriors falling to Chittim’s superior might. With tempers inflamed and hearts hardened, the Tubalites swore an oath of exclusion, vowing that no union of marriage would ever join their people with the Chittim.

Three years later, as the harvest season unfolded, Chittim’s young men, defying the Tubalites’ oath, brazenly abducted their beautiful daughters, precipitating a desperate counterstrike. Despite the Tubalites’ furious retaliation, their efforts were thwarted by the treacherous mountain terrain. In a climactic turn, the Tubalites marshaled a formidable force of 10,000 warriors and launched a renewed offensive against the Chittim. Yet, amidst the chaos, the Chittim made a harrowing plea, parading their offspring—born of Tubalite mothers—before their enemies. This heart-wrenching display of shared blood and kinship compelled the Tubalites to reconsider their vendetta, and they withdrew. In the aftermath, the Chittim, undeterred, constructed two new coastal cities, Purtu and Ariza, marking their resilience and the shifting tides of power in the ancient world.

Major Characters

Insignificant Characters




Y: 2040 | The dwellings of Chittim and Tubal
Jasher 17:1-2

Rising Action

War between Chittim and Tubal
Jasher 17:3

Tubal and Chittim agree not to intermarry
Jasher 17:4-6


Y: 2043 | Chittim breaks their oath
Jasher 17:7-10

Y: 2044 | Tubal wars against Chittim again
Jasher 17:11-13

Falling Action

The war ceases
Jasher 17:14


New cities are built
Jasher 17:15

Year: 2040

The dwellings of Chittim and Tubal

Jasher 17:1-2

1 And in those days, in the ninety-first year of the life of Abram, the children of Chittim made war with the children of Tubal, for when the Lord had scattered the sons of men upon the face of the earth, the children of Chittim went and embodied themselves in the plain of Canopia, and they built themselves cities there and dwelt by the river Tibreu.
2 And the children of Tubal dwelt in Tuscanah, and their boundaries reached the river Tibreu, and the children of Tubal built a city in Tuscanan, and they called the name Sabinah, after the name of Sabinah son of Tubal their father, and they dwelt there unto this day.

War between Chittim and Tubal

Jasher 17:3

3 And it was at that time the children of Chittim made war with the children of Tubal, and the children of Tubal were smitten before the children of Chittim, and the children of Chittim caused three hundred and seventy men to fall from the children of Tubal.

Tubal and Chittim agree not to intermarry

Jasher 17:4-6

4 And at that time the children of Tubal swore to the children of Chittim, saying, You shall not intermarry amongst us, and no man shall give his daughter to any of the sons of Chittim.
5 For all the daughters of Tubal were in those days fair, for no women were then found in the whole earth so fair as the daughters of Tubal.
6 And all who delighted in the beauty of women went to the daughters of Tubal and took wives from them, and the sons of men, kings and princes, who greatly delighted in the beauty of women, took wives in those days from the daughters of Tubal.

Year: 2043

Chittim breaks their oath

Jasher 17:7-10

7 And at the end of three years after the children of Tubal had sworn to the children of Chittim not to give them their daughters for wives, about twenty men of the children of Chittim went to take some of the daughters of Tubal, but they found none.
8 For the children of Tubal kept their oaths not to intermarry with them, and they would not break their oaths.
9 And in the days of harvest the children of Tubal went into their fields to get in their harvest, when the young men of Chittim assembled and went to the city of Sabinah, and each man took a young woman from the daughters of Tubal, and they came to their cities.
10 And the children of Tubal heard of it and they went to make war with them, and they could not prevail over them, for the mountain was exceedingly high from them, and when they saw they could not prevail over them they returned to their land.

Year: 2044

Tubal wars against Chittim again

Jasher 17:11-13

11 And at the revolution of the year the children of Tubal went and hired about ten thousand men from those cities that were near them, and they went to war with the children of Chittim.
12 And the children of Tubal went to war with the children of Chittim, to destroy their land and to distress them, and in this engagement the children of Tubal prevailed over the children of Chittim, and the children of Chittim, seeing that they were greatly distressed, lifted up the children which they had had by the daughters of Tubal, upon the wall which had been built, to be before the eyes of the children of Tubal.
13 And the children of Chittim said to them, Have you come to make war with your own sons and daughters, and have we not been considered your flesh and bones from that time till now?

The war ceases

Jasher 17:14

14 And when the children of Tubal heard this they ceased to make war with the children of Chittim, and they went away.

New cities are built

Jasher 17:15

15 And they returned to their cities, and the children of Chittim at that time assembled and built two cities by the sea, and they called one Purtu and the other Ariza.

No notes.


Y: 2040 | The dwellings of Chittim and Tubal
Jasher 17:1-2
And in those days, in the 91st year of the life of Abram, the children of Chittim made war with the children of Tubal, for when the Lord had scattered the sons of men upon the face of the earth, the children of Chittim went and embodied themselves in the plain of Canopia, and they built themselves cities there and dwelt by the river Tibreu.

And the children of Tubal dwelt in Tuscanah, and their boundaries reached the river Tibreu, and the children of Tubal built a city in Tuscanan, and they called the name Sabinah, after the name of Sabinah son of Tubal their father, and they dwelt there to this day.

Rising Action

War between Chittim and Tubal
Jasher 17:3
And it was at that time the children of Chittim made war with the children of Tubal, and the children of Tubal were smitten before the children of Chittim, and the children of Chittim caused 370 men to fall from the children of Tubal.

Tubal and Chittim agree not to intermarry
Jasher 17:4-6
And at that time the children of Tubal swore to the children of Chittim, saying, “You shall not intermarry among us, and no man shall give his daughter to any of the sons of Chittim.”

For all the daughters of Tubal were in those days fair, for no women were then found in the whole earth so fair as the daughters of Tubal. And all who delighted in the beauty of women went to the daughters of Tubal and took wives from them, and the sons of men, kings, and princes, who greatly delighted in the beauty of women, took wives in those days from the daughters of Tubal.


Y: 2043 | Chittim breaks their oath
Jasher 17:7-10
And at the end of 3 years after the children of Tubal had sworn to the children of Chittim not to give them their daughters for wives, about 20 men of the children of Chittim went to take some of the daughters of Tubal, but they found none. For the children of Tubal kept their oaths not to intermarry with them, and they would not break their oaths.

And in the days of harvest the children of Tubal went into their fields to get in their harvest, when the young men of Chittim assembled and went to the city of Sabinah, and each man took a young woman from the daughters of Tubal, and they came to their cities. And the children of Tubal heard of it and they went to make war with them, and they could not prevail over them, for the mountain was exceedingly high from them, and when they saw they could not prevail over them they returned to their land.

Y: 2044 | Tubal wars against Chittim again
Jasher 17:11-13
And at the revolution of the year the children of Tubal went and hired about 10,000 men from those cities that were near them, and they went to war with the children of Chittim. And the children of Tubal went to war with the children of Chittim, to destroy their land and to distress them, and in this engagement the children of Tubal prevailed over the children of Chittim, and the children of Chittim, seeing that they were greatly distressed, lifted up the children which they had had by the daughters of Tubal, upon the wall which had been built, to be before the eyes of the children of Tubal. And the children of Chittim said to them, “Have you come to make war with your own sons and daughters, and have we not been considered your flesh and bones from that time till now?”

Falling Action

The war ceases
Jasher 17:14
And when the children of Tubal heard this they ceased to make war with the children of Chittim, and they went away.


New cities are built
Jasher 17:15
And they returned to their cities, and the children of Chittim at that time assembled and built 2 cities by the sea, and they called one Purtu and the other Ariza.

This chart shows who was alive in years 2034-2047.
Years with question marks are estimates.