
In the vast tapestry of an ancient world, the lives of Abraham’s descendants unfold with grandeur and divine purpose. The journey begins with Rebecca’s fervent plea for children, leading Isaac to the sacred land of Moriah. There, he prays with a desperate heart, invoking the promises made to his father, and the heavens answer with a miracle: Rebecca conceives twins, setting the stage for the epic rivalry between Esau and Jacob, born under the weight of prophecy.

As the saga continues, Aram, son of Zoba, prospers beyond measure, prompting his kin to seek new lands in the east, founding the city of Aram Zoba. Meanwhile, the wise patriarch Abraham gathers his family, imparting sacred commandments and warning against the perils of wickedness, ensuring his lineage remains steadfast in righteousness. With a final blessing, he sends his descendants forth, their paths diverging yet intertwined with divine destiny.

In the resolution of this epic tale, Ishmael’s descendants flourish in the lands from Havilah to Egypt, becoming the Arabs and Ishmaelites, while Isaac remains in Canaan, entrusted with Abraham’s treasures. As the families of Abraham’s sons, including the emerging tribes of Dedan, grow and prosper, the narrative concludes with the promise of a new era, where the legacy of faith and promise endures, weaving a future rich with potential and the enduring spirit of their forebears.

Major Characters

Minor Characters

Insignificant Characters








J: 43 | Y: 2089 | Abraham marries Keturah
Genesis 25:1, Jasher 25:1, Jubilees 19:11a

Y: 2090 | King Abimelech dies
Jasher 24:19

Benmalich, Abimilech’s son, reigns in Gerar
Jasher 24:20-21

Y: 2090-2099 | Abraham and Keturah’s children born
Genesis 25:2, Jasher 25:2, Jubilees 19:11b

Y: 2094-2107 | Ishmael and Malchuth’s grandchildren born
Jasher 25:24-27

Y: 2097 | Arphaxad died
Genesis 11:13, Jasher 25:28b

Y: 2105-2114 | Abraham and Keturah’s grandchildren born
Genesis 25:3a, 25:4, Jasher 25:3-5, 11

Rising Action

J: 44 | Y: 2108 | Isaac prays for Rebekah to conceive
Jasher 26:1-7

YHWH grants Isaac’s request
Genesis 25:21, Jasher 26:8


The twins struggle together within Rebekah
Genesis 25:22, Jasher 26:9-11

YHWH explains the situation
Genesis 25:23, Jasher 26:12

Y: 2109 | Jacob and Esau born
Genesis 25:24-26, Jasher 26:13-16, Jubilees 19:12

Falling Action

Y: 2115-2135? | Aram’s children born and he moves to Aram to build a city
Jasher 22:36-39

Y: 2119 | Abraham encourages his children and grandchildren
Jubilees 20:1-10

Abraham gives gifts to his sons and sends Ishmael’s family away
Genesis 25:5-6, Jasher 25:6-7, 20-27, Jubilees 20:11


Ishmael dwells in the east in Havilah
Jasher 26:19-20, Jubilees 20:12-13

Isaac dwells with Abraham
Jasher 26:18, 21

Y: 2120-2135 | Abraham’s great-grandchildren born
Genesis 25:3b

Jubilee: 43

Year: 2089

Abraham marries Keturah

Genesis 25:1

1 Then again Abraham took a wife, and her name was Keturah.

Jasher 25:1

1 And it was at that time that Abraham again took a wife in his old age, and her name was Keturah, from the land of Canaan.

Jubilees 19:11a

11a And Abraham took to himself a third wife, and her name was Keturah, from among the daughters of his household servants, for Hagar had died before Sarah.

Year: 2090

King Abimelech dies

Jasher 24:19

19 And at the revolution of the year Abimelech king of the Philistines died in that year; he was one hundred and ninety-three years old at his death; and Abraham went with his people to the land of the Philistines, and they comforted the whole household and all his servants, and he then turned and went home.

Benmalich, Abimilech’s son, reigns in Gerar

Jasher 24:20-21

20 And it was after the death of Abimelech that the people of Gerar took Benmalich his son, and he was only twelve years old, and they made him lying in the place of his father.
21 And they called his name Abimelech after the name of his father, for thus was it their custom to do in Gerar, and Abimelech reigned instead of Abimelech his father, and he sat upon his throne.

Year: 2090-2099

Abraham and Keturah’s children borni

Genesis 25:2

2 And she bare him Zimran, and Jokshan, and Medan, and Midian, and Ishbak, and Shuah.

Jasher 25:2a

2a And she bare unto him Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak and Shuach, being six sons.

Jubilees 19:11b

11b And she bare him six sons, Zimram, and Jokshan, and Medan, and Midian, and Ishbak, and Shuah, in the two weeks of years.

Year: 2094-2107

Ishmael and Malchuth’s grandchildren bornii

Jasher 25:24-27

24 And the sons of Mishma the son of Ishmael were Shamua, Zecaryon and Obed; and the sons of Dumah were Kezed, Eli, Machmad and Amed.
25 And the sons of Masa were Melon, Mula and Ebidadon; and the sons of Chadad were Azur, Minzar and Ebedmelech; and the sons of Tema were Seir, Sadon and Yakol.
26 And the sons of Yetur were Merith, Yaish, Alyo, and Pachoth; and the sons of Naphish were Ebed-Tamed, Abiyasaph and Mir; and the sons of Kedma were Calip, Tachti, and Omir; these were the children of Malchuth the wife of Ishmael according to their families.
27 All these are the families of Ishmael according to their generations, and they dwelt in those lands wherein they had built themselves cities unto this day.

Year: 2097

Arphaxad died

Genesis 11:13

13 And Arphaxad lived after he begat Salah four hundred and three years, and begat sons and daughters.

Jasher 25:28b

28b and Arpachshad the son of Shem the son of Noah died in those days, in the forty-eighth year of the life of Isaac, and all the days that Arpachshad lived were four hundred and thirty-eight years, and he died.

Year: 2105-2114

Abraham and Keturah’s grandchildren borni

Jasher 25:2b

2b And the children of Zimran were Abihen, Molich and Narim.

Genesis 25:3a

3a And Jokshan begat Sheba, and Dedan.

Jasher 25:3a

3a And the sons of Jokshan were Sheba and Dedan,

Jasher 25:3b

3b and the sons of Medan were Amida, Joab, Gochi, Elisha and Nothach;

Genesis 25:4a

4a And the sons of Midian; Ephah, and Epher, and Hanoch, and Abidah, and Eldaah.

Jasher 25:3c

3c and the sons of Midian were Ephah, Epher, Chanoch, Abida and Eldaah.

Jasher 25:11

11 And these are the names of the sons of Midian according to their names in their cities, Ephah, Epher, Chanoch, Abida and Eldaah.

Jasher 25:4-5a

4 And the sons of Ishbak were Makiro, Beyodua and Tator.
5a And the sons of Shuach were Bildad, Mamdad, Munan and Meban;

Genesis 25:4b

4b All these were the children of Keturah.

Jasher 25:5b

5b all these are the families of the children of Keturah the Canaanitish woman which she bare unto Abraham the Hebrew.

Jubilee: 44

Year: 2108

Isaac prays for Rebekah

Jasher 26:1-7

1 And in the fifty-ninth year of the life of Isaac the son of Abraham, Rebecca his wife was still barren in those days.
2 And Rebecca said unto Isaac, Truly I have heard, my lord, that thy mother Sarah was barren in her days until my Lord Abraham, thy father, prayed for her and she conceived by him.
3 Now therefore stand up, pray thou also to God and he will hear thy prayer and remember us through his mercies.
4 And Isaac answered his wife Rebecca, saying, Abraham has already prayed for me to God to multiply his seed, now therefore this barrenness must proceed to us from thee.
5 And Rebecca said unto him, But arise now thou also and pray, that the Lord may hear thy prayer and grant me children, and Isaac hearkened to the words of his wife, and Isaac and his wife rose up and went to the land of Moriah to pray there and to seek the Lord, and when they had reached that place Isaac stood up and prayed to the Lord on account of his wife because she was barren.
6 And Isaac said, O Lord God of heaven and earth, whose goodness and mercies fill the earth, thou who didst take my father from his father’s house and from his birthplace, and didst bring him unto this land, and didst say unto him, To thy seed will I give the land, and thou didst promise him and didst declare unto him, I will multiply thy seed as the stars of heaven and as the sand of the sea, now may thy words be verified which thou didst speak unto my father.
7 For thou art the Lord our God, our eyes are toward thee to give us seed of men, as thou didst promise us, for thou art the Lord our God and our eyes are directed toward thee only.

YHWH grants Isaac’s request

Genesis 25:21

21 And Isaac intreated the LORD for his wife, because she was barren: and the LORD was intreated of him, and Rebekah his wife conceived.

Jasher 26:8

8 And the Lord heard the prayer of Isaac the son of Abraham, and the Lord was entreated of him and Rebecca his wife conceived.

The twins struggle together within Rebekah

Genesis 25:22

22 And the children struggled together within her; and she said, If it be so, why am I thus? And she went to enquire of the LORD.

Jasher 26:9-11

9 And in about seven months after the children struggled together within her, and it pained her greatly that she was wearied on account of them, and she said to all the women who were then in the land, Did such a thing happen to you as it has to me? and they said unto her, No.
10 And she said unto them, Why am I alone in this amongst all the women that were upon earth? and she went to the land of Moriah to seek the Lord on account of this; and she went to Shem and Eber his son to make inquiries of them in this matter, and that they should seek the Lord in this thing respecting her.
11 And she also asked Abraham to seek and inquire of the Lord about all that had befallen her.

YHWH explains the situation

Genesis 25:23

23 And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.

Jasher 26:12

12 And they all inquired of the Lord concerning this matter, and they brought her word from the Lord and told her, Two children are in thy womb, and two nations shall rise from them; and one nation shall be stronger than the other, and the greater shall serve the younger.

Year: 2109

Jacob and Esau born

Genesis 25:24

24 And when her days to be delivered were fulfilled, behold, there were twins in her womb.

Jasher 26:13

13 And when her days to be delivered were completed, she knelt down, and behold there were twins in her womb, as the Lord had spoken to her.

Jubilees 19:12

12 And in the sixth week, in the second year thereof, Rebecca bare to Isaac two sons, Jacob and Esau,

Genesis 25:25-26

25 And the first came out red, all over like an hairy garment; and they called his name Esau.
26 And after that came his brother out, and his hand took hold on Esau’s heel; and his name was called Jacob: and Isaac was threescore years old when she bare them.

Jasher 26:14-16

14 And the first came out red all over like a hairy garment, and all the people of the land called his name Esau, saying, That this one was made complete from the womb.
15 And after that came his brother, and his hand took hold of Esau’s heel, therefore they called his name Jacob.
16 And Isaac, the son of Abraham, was sixty years old when he begat them.

Year: 2115-2135

Aram’s children born and he moves to Aram to build a city

Jasher 22:36-39

36 And Aram son of Zoba son of Terah, had three wives and he begat twelve sons and three daughters; and the Lord gave to Aram the son of Zoba, riches and possessions, and abundance of cattle, and flocks and herds, and the man increased greatly.
37 And Aram the son of Zoba and his brother and all his household journeyed from Haran, and they went to dwell where they should find a place, for their property was too great to remain in Haran; for they could not stop in Haran together with their brethren the children of Nahor.
38 And Aram the son of Zoba went with his brethren, and they found a valley at a distance toward the eastern country and they dwelt there.
39 And they also built a city there, and they called the name thereof Aram, after the name of their eldest brother; that is Aram Zoba to this day.

Year: 2119

Abraham encourages his children and grandchildren

Jubilees 20:1-10

1 And in the forty-second jubilee, in the first year of the seventh week, Abraham called Ishmael, [2052 (2045?) A.M.] and his twelve sons, and Isaac and his two sons, and the six sons of Keturah, and their sons.
2 And he commanded them that they should observe the way of the Lord; that they should work righteousness, and love each his neighbour, and act on this manner amongst all men; that they should each so walk with regard to them as to do judgment and righteousness on the earth.
3 That they should circumcise their sons, according to the covenant which He had made with them, and not deviate to the right hand or the left of all the paths which the Lord had commanded us; and that we should keep ourselves from all fornication and uncleanness, [and renounce from amongst us all fornication and uncleanness].
4 And if any woman or maid commit fornication amongst you, burn her with fire and let them not commit fornication with her after their eyes and their heart; and let them not take to themselves wives from the daughters of Canaan; for the seed of Canaan will be rooted out of the land.
5 And he told them of the judgment of the giants, and the judgment of the Sodomites, how they had been judged on account of their wickedness, and had died on account of their fornication, and uncleanness, and mutual corruption through fornication.
6 ‘And guard yourselves from all fornication and uncleanness, And from all pollution of sin, Lest ye make our name a curse,
And your whole life a hissing, And all your sons to be destroyed by the sword, And ye become accursed like Sodom, And all your remnant as the sons of Gomorrah.
7 I implore you, my sons, love the God of heaven And cleave ye to all His commandments. And walk not after their idols, and after their uncleannesses,
8 And make not for yourselves molten or graven gods; For they are vanity, And there is no spirit in them; For they are work of (men’s) hands, And all who trust in them, trust in nothing.
9 Serve them not, nor worship them, But serve ye the most high God, and worship Him continually: And hope for His countenance always, And work uprightness and righteousness before Him, That He may have pleasure in you and grant you His mercy, And send rain upon you morning and evening, And bless all your works which ye have wrought upon the earth, And bless thy bread and thy water, And bless the fruit of thy womb and the fruit of thy land, And the herds of thy cattle, and the flocks of thy sheep.
10 And ye will be for a blessing on the earth, And all nations of the earth will desire you, And bless your sons in my name, That they may be blessed as I am.

Abraham gives gifts to his sons and sends Ishmael’s family away

Genesis 25:5-6

5 And Abraham gave all that he had unto Isaac.
6 But unto the sons of the concubines, which Abraham had, Abraham gave gifts, and sent them away from Isaac his son, while he yet lived, eastward, unto the east country.

Jasher 25:6-7

6 And Abraham sent all these away, and he gave them gifts, and they went away from his son Isaac to dwell wherever they should find a place.
7 And all these went to the mountain at the east, and they built themselves six cities in which they dwelt unto this day.

Jubilees 20:11

11 And he gave to Ishmael and to his sons, and to the sons of Keturah, gifts, and sent them away from Isaac his son, and he gave everything to Isaac his son.

Ishmael dwells in the east in Havilah

Jasher 25:20-21

20 And they went and dwelt near the wilderness of Paran, and their dwelling was from Havilah unto Shur, that is before Egypt as thou comest toward Assyria.
21 And Ishmael and his sons dwelt in the land, and they had children born to them, and they were fruitful and increased abundantly.

Jasher 26:19-20

19 And Ishmael the son of Abraham went with his children and all belonging to them, and they returned there to the land of Havilah, and they dwelt there.
20 And all the children of Abraham’s concubines went to dwell in the land of the east, for Abraham had sent them away from his son, and had given them presents, and they went away.

Jubilees 20:12

12 And Ishmael and his sons, and the sons of Keturah and their sons, went together and dwelt from Paran to the entering in of Babylon in all the land which is towards the East facing the desert.

Jubilees 20:13

13 And these mingled with each other, and their name was called Arabs, and Ishmaelites.

Isaac dwells with Abraham

Jasher 26:18

18 And Isaac and the children of his household dwelt with his father Abraham in the land of Canaan, as God had commanded them.

Jasher 26:21

21 And Abraham gave all that he had to his son Isaac, and he also gave him all his treasures.

Year: 2120-2135

Abraham’s great-grandchildren born

Genesis 25:3b

3b And the sons of Dedan were Asshurim, and Letushim, and Leummim.

i. Because Abraham gives a speech to his children and grandchildren in Jubilees 20:1, it is assumed that his children with Keturah were born between the years 2090-2099 and his grandchildren were born between the years 2105-2114.
ii. It seems likely that the grandchildren of Ishmael and Malchuth were born between the years 2094-2107.


J: 43 | Y: 2089 | Abraham marries Keturah
Genesis 25:1, Jasher 25:1, Jubilees 19:11a
And Abraham took to himself a 3rd wife, and her name was Keturah, from among the daughters of his household servants, from the land of Canaan, for Hagar had died before Sarah.

Y: 2090 | King Abimelech dies
Jasher 24:19
And at the revolution of the year Abimelech king of the Philistines died in that year; he was 193 years old at his death; and Abraham went with his people to the land of the Philistines, and they comforted the whole household and all his servants, and he then turned and went home.

Benmalich, Abimilech’s son, reigns in Gerar
Jasher 24:20-21
And it was after the death of Abimelech that the people of Gerar took Benmalich his son, and he was only 12 years old, and they made him lie in the place of his father. And they called his name Abimelech after the name of his father, for thus was it their custom to do in Gerar, and Abimelech reigned instead of Abimelech his father, and he sat upon his throne.

Y: 2090-2099 | Abraham and Keturah’s children born
Genesis 25:2, Jasher 25:2, Jubilees 19:11b
And Keturah bore Abraham 6 sons, Zimram, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak, and Shuah (Shuach), in the 14 years.

Y: 2094-2107 | Ishmael and Malchuth’s grandchildren born
Jasher 25:24-27
And the sons of Mishma the son of Ishmael were Shamua, Zecaryon, and Obed.

And the sons of Dumah were Kezed, Eli, Machmad, and Amed.

And the sons of Masa were Melon, Mula, and Ebidadon.

And the sons of Chadad were Azur, Minzar, and Ebedmelech

And the sons of Tema were Seir, Sadon, and Yakol.

And the sons of Yetur were Merith, Yaish, Alyo, and Pachoth.

And the sons of Naphish were Ebed-Tamed, Abiyasaph, and Mir.

And the sons of Kedma were Calip, Tachti, and Omir.

These were the children of Malchuth the wife of Ishmael according to their families. All these are the families of Ishmael according to their generations, and they dwelt in those lands wherein they had built themselves cities to this day.

Y: 2097 | Arphaxad died
Genesis 11:13, Jasher 25:28b
And Arpachshad the son of Shem the son of Noah died in those days, in the 48th year of the life of Isaac, after he begat Salah 403 years, and begat sons and daughters, and all the days that Arpachshad lived were 438 years, and he died.

Y: 2105-2114 | Abraham and Keturah’s grandchildren born
Genesis 25:3a, 25:4, Jasher 25:3-5, 11
And the children of Zimran were Abihen, Molich, and Narim.

And the sons of Jokshan were Sheba and Dedan.

And the sons of Medan were Amida, Joab, Gochi, Elisha and Nothach.

And the sons of Midian: Ephah, Epher, Hanoch (Chanoch), Abidah, and Eldaah.

And the sons of Ishbak were Makiro, Beyodua, and Tator.

And the sons of Shuach were Bildad, Mamdad, Munan, and Meban.

All these are the families of the children of Keturah the Canaanitish woman which she bore to Abraham the Hebrew.

Rising Action

J: 44 | Y: 2108 | Isaac prays for Rebekah to conceive
Jasher 26:1-7
And in the 59th year of the life of Isaac the son of Abraham, Rebecca his wife was still barren in those days. And Rebecca said to Isaac, “Truly I have heard, my lord, that your mother Sarah was barren in her days until my Lord Abraham, your father, prayed for her and she conceived by him. Now therefore stand up, pray also to God and he will hear your prayer and remember us through his mercies.”

And Isaac answered his wife, Rebecca, saying, “Abraham has already prayed for me to God to multiply his seed, now, therefore, this barrenness must proceed to us from you.”

And Rebecca said to him, “But arise now and pray, that the Lord may hear your prayer and grant me children,” and Isaac listened to the words of his wife, and Isaac and his wife rose and went to the land of Moriah to pray there and to seek the Lord, and when they had reached that place Isaac stood up and prayed to the Lord on account of his wife because she was barren.

And Isaac said, “O Lord God of heaven and earth, whose goodness and mercies fill the earth, you who did take my father from his father’s house and his birthplace and did bring him to this land, and did say to him, ‘To your seed will I give the land,’ and you did promise him and did declare to him, ‘I will multiply your seed as the stars of heaven and as the sand of the sea,’ now may your words be verified which you did speak to my father. For you are the Lord our God, our eyes are toward you to give us the seed of men, as you did promise us, for you are the Lord our God, and our eyes are directed toward you only.”

YHWH grants Isaac’s request
Genesis 25:21, Jasher 26:8
And the Lord heard the prayer of Isaac the son of Abraham, and the Lord was entreated of him and Rebecca his wife conceived.


The twins struggle together within Rebekah
Genesis 25:22, Jasher 26:9-11
And in about 7 months after the children struggled together within her, and it pained her greatly that she was wearied on account of them, and she said to all the women who were then in the land, “Did such a thing happen to you as it has to me?”

And they said to her, “No.”

And she said to them, “Why am I alone in this among all the women that were upon earth?”

And she went to the land of Moriah to seek the Lord on account of this, and she went to Shem and Eber his son to make inquiries of them in this matter, and that they should seek the Lord in this thing respecting her. And she also asked Abraham to seek and inquire of the Lord about all that had befallen her.

YHWH explains the situation
Genesis 25:23, Jasher 26:12
And they all inquired of the Lord concerning this matter, and they brought her word from the Lord and told her, “Two children are in your womb, and 2 nations will rise from them; and 1 nation will be stronger than the other, and the elder will serve the younger.”

Y: 2109 | Jacob and Esau born
Genesis 25:24-26, Jasher 26:13-16, Jubilees 19:12
And in the 6th week, in the 2nd year thereof, Rebecca knelt down and bore to Isaac twins, as the Lord had spoken to her.

And the 1st came out red all over like a hairy garment and all the people of the land called his name Esau, saying, “That this one was made complete from the womb.”

And after that came his brother, and his hand took hold of Esau’s heel, therefore they called his name Jacob. And Isaac, the son of Abraham, was 60 years old when he begat them.

Falling Action

Y: 2115-2135? | Aram’s children born and he moves to Aram to build a city
Jasher 22:36-39
And Aram son of Zoba son of Terah, had 3 wives and he begat 12 sons and 3 daughters; and the Lord gave to Aram the son of Zoba, riches, possessions, abundance of cattle, flocks, and herds, and the man increased greatly.

And Aram the son of Zoba and his brother and all his household journeyed from Haran, and they went to dwell where they should find a place, for their property was too great to remain in Haran; for they could not stop in Haran together with their brethren the children of Nahor. And Aram the son of Zoba went with his brethren, and they found a valley at a distance toward the eastern country and they dwelt there. And they also built a city there, and they called the name thereof Aram, after the name of their eldest brother; that is Aram Zoba to this day.

Y: 2119 | Abraham encourages his children and grandchildren
Jubilees 20:1-10
And in the 42nd jubilee, in the 1st year of the 7th week, Abraham called Ishmael, and his 12 sons, and Isaac and his 2 sons, and the 6 sons of Keturah, and their sons.

And he commanded them that they should observe the way of the Lord; that they should work righteousness, and love each his neighbor, and act on this manner among all men; that they should each so walk concerning them as to do judgment and righteousness on the earth. That they should circumcise their sons, according to the covenant which He had made with them, and not deviate to the right hand or the left of all the paths which the Lord had commanded us; and that we should keep ourselves from all fornication and uncleanness, and renounce from among us all fornication and uncleanness. And if any woman or maid commit fornication among you, burn her with fire and let them not commit fornication with her after their eyes and their heart; and let them not take to themselves wives from the daughters of Canaan; for the seed of Canaan will be rooted out of the land. And he told them of the judgment of the giants, and the judgment of the Sodomites, how they had been judged on account of their wickedness, and had died on account of their fornication, and uncleanness, and mutual corruption through fornication.

“And guard yourselves against all fornication and uncleanness, and from all pollution of sin, unless you make our name a curse, and your whole life a hissing, and all your sons to be destroyed by the sword, and you become accursed like Sodom, and all your remnant as the sons of Gomorrah. I implore you, my sons, to love the God of heaven and cleave to all His commandments. And walk not after their idols, and after their uncleanness, and make not for yourselves molten or graven gods; for they are vanity, and there is no spirit in them; for they are work of men’s hands, and all who trust in them, trust in nothing. Serve them not, nor worship them, but serve the most high God, and worship Him continually: and hope for His countenance always, and work uprightness and righteousness before Him, that He may have pleasure in you and grant you His mercy, and send rain upon you morning and evening, and bless all your works which you have wrought upon the earth, and bless your bread and your water, and bless the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your land, and the herds of your cattle, and the flocks of your sheep. And you will be for a blessing on the earth, and all nations of the earth will desire you, and bless your sons in my name, that they may be blessed as I am.”

Abraham gives gifts to his sons and sends Ishmael’s family away
Genesis 25:5-6, Jasher 25:6-7, 20-27, Jubilees 20:11
And Abraham sent all these away, and he gave them gifts, and they went away from his son Isaac to dwell wherever they should find a place. And all these went to the mountain at the east, and they built themselves 6 cities in which they dwelt to this day.


Ishmael dwells in the east in Havilah
Jasher 26:19-20, Jubilees 20:12-13
And they went and dwelt near the wilderness of Paran, and their dwelling was from Havilah to Shur, to the entering of Babylon, facing the desert, that is before Egypt as you come toward Assyria. And Ishmael and his sons dwelt in the land, and they had children born to them, and they were fruitful and increased abundantly.

And these mingled with each other, and their name was called Arabs, and Ishmaelites.

Isaac dwells with Abraham
Jasher 26:18, 21
And Isaac and the children of his household dwelt with his father Abraham in the land of Canaan, as God had commanded them.

And Abraham gave all that he had to his son Isaac, and he also gave him all his treasures.

Y: 2120-2135 | Abraham’s great-grandchildren born
Genesis 25:3b
And the sons of Dedan were Asshurim, Letushim, and Leummim.

This chart shows who was alive in years 2089-2135.
Years with question marks are estimates.